April's Travels
We arrived at Beachcomber on the Thursday, a tiny little island that you can walk around in ten minutes.
Arriving there late we checked into our first dorm so far. The hut housed 100 beds. I had top bunk, Becs had bottom!! The place felt like school camp, food was fab though. We went pretty much straight out for food the first night. We met back up with the girls from the Cook Islands and drunk lots in celebration of Mzz Perry's birthday. There was an international crab race where you had to bid for one of 30 crabs from various countries. Becs wanted India so i said i'd bid for it for her Birthday. What a great present hey!!
When India came round the bidding started, a few hands went up and i saw what i thought was someone bidding on our table. I bid against them three times before the girls shouted at me to stop it as i was bidding against myself. Smart move!! I did get the crab though tee hee
Crab India didn't win, spent the rest of the night playing drinking games and telling stories about the trip so far. It ended up with Becs and I giggling uncontrollably in the bar until late by oursleves. I'm sure that we really were a bundle of fun and that everyone else went to bed because we tired them out ha ha ha.
The next day was Bec's birthday. We sun bathed in the morning then went snorkelling, the fish weren't that great, mainly because the stripy black and white ones were really intrigued by me and kept swimming right up to my face to try and figure me out, i really wasn't liking that. I kept swimming away from them, what a wimp, you should see the size difference between me and them. The coral was the best i've ever seen for shapes and sizes though. We went para sailing in the afternoon. First time doing it and it was fab. Bec's was basically sat on my lap which was not comfortable and a few times we came down really low and our feet skimmed the water, i had visions of us being dragged face down along in the sea. It was so good flying up really high, i loved it. I had to steer us back on to the island which was interesting. We were caught by three huge guys as we came hurtling back down to earth!!
Spent the rest of the afternoon sunbathing and went out for drinks in the evening and a boogie.
Next day again sunbathed and waited for our boat back to the mainland. Bec's got sun burnt and looks like she has been scolded on her face with boiling water, a nice souvenir to take with her from Fiji.
So that was the end of our trip in Fiji. I was really sad to leave, i had such a good time. New Zealand and the rain here we come.
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