United States of Antich's
Omg. The dog officialy hates us and absolutely wants us to leave! He is so depressed after we put on this Christmas coat. We are getting closer and have bought some thermals, photocopied everything 4 times, printed crosswords and begun testing this travel blog! Cant believe it is just two sleeps.... From Lara xxx
- comments
The beckers We love Ollie ! Love your blog!
Carla Oh Ollie, they will be gone soon!! How exciting......!!!! Cant wait to read all about your adventures!
Netts Will call before you leave! Will miss you stax! Have a wonderful time and enjoy the eggnog! Yummy!!! Send lots of pics!
Kell OMG didn't even KNOW you are going so soon! WHERE's OLLIE going??? Tilly thinks he should come HERE! Boss does too!! Have a FAB time!! Keep us updated XOXOXOXOX
Roxy wow Lara you guys are really smart. poor ollie, evie hates it when we look like we are going out.
Cameron have agreat time guys
Megan and the gang OMG I had no idea your departure date was this close, have an absolutely fabulous time as I know you will and always do, wherever the Antich's go. Happy and safe travels and look forward to following your blog as you go, love to all from the Mullers.
Fiona Walsh How exciting guys. Got room for me?? Can't wait to read all about your travels. Have an amazing time. Love you, Fee xxxxx
Netts Where are you... We need an update! How was the flight!