New York, New York Aug 11, 2011 Back in New York. Dinner at a Mexican Restaurant and stroll down to Times Square, where we just sat and watch the myriad of screens and people.
Newport, Rhode Island Aug 11, 2011 Took a drive through Newport on way from Boston to New York. Saw some of the most insanely opulent rich homes you could possibly see. Just nuts. And.... These are summer houses where people would come to Newport for 6 weeks of the year. This one is called "Breakers"
Boston, Massachusetts Aug 10, 2011 Took a tour of Harvard across in Cambridge. Very interesting place and community. Even got an idea or two!! This is the oldest building, (1630 ish I think) where the 'President' of Harvard, has his offices.
Boston, Massachusetts Aug 10, 2011 Met Paul and Hayley Kupke for drinks. They have been in Boston for a year now, soaking up the city, studying etc. It was a really lovely time catching up with them.
Boston, Massachusetts Aug 9, 2011 Travelled from Quebec City to Boston. Long day on bus. Beaut scenery. Kathy has been wanting to see a bear since we started in Denver. She doesn't know what she will do if she is confronted by one though. This is as close as she has got at the Flume in The White Mountains of New Hampshire.