Hi guys. How are you enjoying the rest of the traveling. I'm back for almost a month already. Time really flew away when I was over there. I loved Koh Tao, so thanx for telling me to go there.
I missed the story about our great adventures in the wild, including some photos. Hope you guys happen to have some time to send me some nice pics. And do you maybe have an emailadress from the NZ family as well? They would send me pics as well, and I would love te see some and start making a photo-album.
I'll catch up with your storys again. Nice to see things i can recognise by now :) Have fun!!! Groetjes from Holland, Hanneke
Sarah Barrow
hi guys - just had a little catch up with your adventures. kay ya should be a travel journo! that about ants goolies cracked me up - its mad when ya try and stop giggling and just can;t! sounds like a mission for your visa's eh - ooohhh and all that info in a lonely planet - hate to say i told u so...... lol. ypour pics look amazing - try not to take any of it forgranted as its bloody freezing back here - they forecast snow this week! glad your both ok -ya look well in the swing of things now x
WELL IV POPPED!! welcome baby Erin Rose, 8th Nov. 6lb 4oz. shes absolutely gorgeous and shes blonde! wasnt in labour very long (about two hrs, GO GIRL!) FFION IS OVER THE MOON. the way she talks to her is hilarious "hello my little chuckle monkey' Hope your keeping well, sounds like your having an amazing time. Grandad is well, 88 today (sarah is 30!!) Your patrick is over for a long w/end. Wud be nice to hear your voices if you ever get the chance to phone. lots of love from everyone x x x x x x x
This is the Marie Celeste of all blogs. xxxx
Mother And Father And Scarlett
Looks like people have given up writing to you, so we had better say something. Weather cold and wet here. Wish we were on a beach. Looks like you had a great time at the Full Moon party. Hair looks good. Very dark here - nearly 8:00pm - must go to bed. Scarlett says what flavour pot noodle did you have? Speak soon xxxx
We are all dying a death. Boots has a Benefit counter now. Woo freakin Hoo xxxxxxx
Sarah Barrow
hi guys - hope you are well - just saw on facebook that there s a huge storm and anth is on a boat so yeah slight concern! let me know. baby owen is a super star and home at last. it turned out to be pneumonia (god only knows how he got that) but he's a star and speeded up his release form neonatal unit by keep pulling of his lung pressure machine - thats ma boy! i've put lots of photos on face book if ya get chance but he's gorg, sleeps a lot too like us so fits right in. beck is ready to POP now and fed up with being kicked, not long now. you both look really well and i admit i'm slighty jealous of the sights your seeing! got some very exciting news to - we've FINALLY BOOKED OUR WEDDING! only took 13v years like but you've got to be sure eh. it th 9th april so not sure that you'll be able to come which is GUTTING. we'll see anyway. lots an lots of love xxx sarah stu sean and owen x
Mumsy And Dad
The Bumble bees still ???? Loving the tan Kay
Loving the hair Anthony
James, Steph & Georgia
Sounds like you are enjoying yourself now after the not so impressive first week. Pics are good, Keep them coming. Georgia is on the move now, crawling everywhere she not allowed.
looks like ur livin it!! u both look so well (like professional travellers!) im with ya on heading to the beach! lots of sand, sea, squid etc (right up my street) everyone back here is fine, Ffion is lovin school. sarah and owen are home and well after a weeks stay in hospital (he is a belter!) iv got about two weeks to go (aaarrrgghh) Av a fab time in paradise then guys, lots of love x x x x
Hair down Kay! What has happened to you??
Ruby can hop now and Levi nearly has a tooth xxx
Sorry to hear the Pringles didn't live up to expectations in Kuala Lumpur - still that's the beauty of travelling. You never know what exciting thing you may stumble upon next.