hey peeps, just to let you know sarah and stu had a baby boy this morning. his name is Owen, 7lb 7. he's had to go to neo-natal ward for fluid on his lungs but he will be fine once it has cleared. apparently he looks like a proper Barrow!! im sure you will hear off sarah in due course (who is well) but might have to stay in a bit longer. Hope you two are ok and are enjoying bumming about!! x x x lotsa love XXxx
Sorrell And Scarlett
hi , hope your both having a good time. keep us updated with pictures and facebook messages :) love you both. take care and have a good time xxxxxxxxxxxxx
so good to be able to see the pair of ya on wat looks to be a mad adventure! rather you than me with some of the stories and pics!! sounds like Uv avoided the "Dreaded Dehli Belly then" I bet ur sooo glad u didnt finish off in india (it'll be all lush and plush from here on in eh?) I love ur INDIA acronym (well done anth!!) Kay,we're so proud of you leaving 'the spoon' (keep up the good work!) we hope singapore holds many a good time for you both, keep blogging (i luv it) x x x xx
Sarah Barrow
hi huns. a right mixed bag of photties there. some gorg some scary! hey its all good. kay you look like the 5th teletubby in that sari and i'm sure anth worry lines look bit deeper on some pics which made me laugh again! singapore is very hot too eh but not a poor country so sure ya won't get mithered. baby coming on wed so i'll let ya know. love ya's xxx
I just ate a pork pie. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
Sarah Barrow
ha sorry for laughing but thats hilarious! knew ya should ve eased into the whole trravlling thing in somewhere tad more westernised but welcome to the deep end eh! we felt mad landing in LA so god knows what that was like. glad your seeing funny side - best way to be - you always knew india would be bonkers. at least they seem to take a liking to anths hair! keep up with the posts very entertaining lol and things will be fine. take care love ya's x
ha, ha! sounds like complete madness! i would so love to be a fly on the wall watching the pair of ya's! the thought of you two in sheer choas, flapping does really tickle me!! (especially on a rickshaw!) Ah well its all part of the experience and im sure you will grow more confident and wiser every day! Have lots of fun as you go and look after each other x x x hugs from ffion x x x x
ha, ha! sounds like complete madness! i would so love to be a fly on the wall watching the pair of ya's! the thought of you two in sheer choas, flapping does really tickle me!! (especially on a rickshaw!) Ah well its all part of the experience and im sure you will grow more confident and wiser every day! Have lots of fun as you go and look after each other x x x hugs from ffion x x x x
ha, ha! sounds like complete madness! i would so love to be a fly on the wall watching the pair of ya's! the thought of you two in sheer choas, flapping does really tickle me!! (especially on a rickshaw!) Ah well its all part of the experience and im sure you will grow more confident and wiser every day! Have lots of fun as you go and look after each other x x x hugs from ffion x x x x
Hi guys!
Sounds like you've had your first culture shock, ha ha! We've been away for nearly 3 months now and we're still getting shocked each day, but its all part of the fun!
I'll keep an eye to see what you's are upto, but have lots of fun and take care xox
James & Steph
sounds all a bit scarry, make sure you keep yourselves safe, look foward to hearing from yas again (georgia's missing ya too)
hey guys!! you made it safely then? dead dogs doesnt sound too gud! hope they dont end up in ur curry! suppose a few lentils and chick peas U'll never know the difference (Mmmm nice.) Hope ur hotel is nice and they are treating you well. Eagerly waiting fotos! have soooo much fun, cant wait to haer off ya (i know its not even 2 days yet!)