Annie - thank you for the tip. I must postpone my NZ trip for another 20 years. The hairs growing out of my ears is sufficient to make me feel old. Nice to know that 'they' are still upstanding. I will show Eyechart the pics when I see him on weds of the white bits from last time. Richard and I will celebrate your birthday belatedly on Weds by pouring beer over Eyechart and discussing what we'd do to Murph if he were there too. At some stage we will remove our clothing in your honour. (Well, we'll call it that - but we'd be doing it anyway !). To the Vernon family - I apologise - to Annie - you're missed. Xxx
Hi Annabelle
Many Happy returns for Friday from Vernon and Aunt Sheila. Have a great time!
Hey you, dads saying something about datelines and having to wish you happy birthday on the 22nd because you have decided to have two birthdays ... how queen like, not freddie mercury ( he had birthdays everyday ) but Lizzie. if you think you are getting two presents you can think again.
Oh on the subject of presents i would like , a small pig called keith who can dance salsa. ta , i would say otter but i have asked for this many times and last time i got a south african rugby shirt, which i dont wear as im not south african. not unless harlow is now positioned left a bit from cape town...note i dont want a new zealand shirt either just keith or a sea otter ta very much.
Happy Birthday darling we miss you here, oh and if you get the chance can you drop me a line with any of your pin numbers on as i have just about sold all your things, rachel wants your bag by the way as a swap for a video involving meerkats , industrial lard and a life size model of justin timberlake , who i am informed is only 4ft 6....
happy birthday for a second time then.
love si xxx
Hi Annie,
I'm adding this message today cos I know I'll forget later in the week otherwise! Happy Birthday (for Friday)! I hope you have a great day. I can't see any danger that you won't - your trip sounds like one great day after another. I'm enjoying reading about it, and wishing I was there!
Take Care! Love Karen
Ang N Bill
Hi Annie
Having a lot of fun reading your messages and wish we were with you !
Take care. Looking forward to your next postcard
Matt - I was willing you guys on. 5 months of giving you lot a hiding had worn thin by Feb ha ha. The least we could let you do was have a couple of one day wins to keep the lads happy
In exchange for the Prada handbag that I know Annie's left at home, I can provide you with lots more incriminating evidence to ensure that you stay firmly in the parent's affections!!!
annnie - amazing trip very envious! you have the sun and we have the snow! at least england rugby now back to its rightful place having beaten both italy and scotland - andin the cricket we beat the aussies - make sure sven boss walker is humble when you see him!!! can you post any photos on hee??
Hi Annie - Tom's right, popped the big question on Australia Day. Gabs doesn't actually know she's said yes yet, the Rohypnol is yet to wear off :) Enjoy NZ, don't let thos bl%%dy kiwi's put you off!! ha ha
When did you change the spelling of your first name? Have you done this in homage to a musical, i am now going to follow your lead and wish to be known as simon aka fourth from the left in the chorus line of west side story vernon.
Anyway all cool here, i have been able to sell your car and i was paid in magic beans, so i am now waiting to go on my own adventure.thanks for leaving a key i am wearing some off your clothes as i am writing this, i miss you and feel the only way to ease this is to borrow your television and makes me feel a lot better.
Be safe, have fun and bring back presents for me ..ta
Oh why you are away i have been able to work my way into the parents affections and have used this opportunity to relay your wonderful exploits as a teenager, many of which are new to mum and dad, imagine my surprise ..anyway they are now off spending your part of the inheritance, im ok though as i am now the case you were worried.
Have to go now as i have been informed ebay have been able to sell some of your furniture for me sorry you.
Much Love S xx
Hi Annie,
the postcards are fantastic!! we are forcast to have 4'' of snow tomorrow morning - do think of us freezing cold at the train station while you are sunning yourself...........
Dont know if Sven told you but j.i.c..........he got drunk on australia day and proposed.........gabs must have been even worse coz she said YES!