ENGLAND 26 - FRANCE 18 - says it all really. Your messages are great so keep typing
Hello you, Just wanted to tell you i miss you very much, I have found i am missing you more as my birthday approaches,strange !!! anyway sure my presents are winging their way across the pond as we speak.I have come up with a blinding idea that involves you having to do some work and me benefiting in the way of cash by the way.Although I have wanted a salsa dancing pig for a while, I have realised that such a talented animal may well be worshipped in some of the smaller Cook islands, through my soul searching I have decided its cool to cash in on Keith, I therefore believe you should put on a roadshow spotlighting Keiths talents ( more cash here for the selling of tickets, beverages and t shirt/mug/ rucksack/mousemat etc opportunity) and at the end of said tour sell him off, for gold and an Aston Martin.ta...I thought about keeping keith and extending the tour to Stevenage, Harlow and Letchworth but after putting a few fliers in the local newspapers i received a few odd phonecalls asking if Keith had any special costumes for private parties.... Wasps won again, without international players, England beat French to deny grandslam ( shame), Spurs threw away 2 goal lead to draw with Chelsea, Arsenal lost in all cups and Wenger stamped his feet alot and said something about evereyone hating him and his silly named team. Your neighbours were very vocal about the party but not to worry we grabbed a number of their strange garden statues and held them hostage until they were hush, lovely people who said they cant wait until you get home though, they joined in with the party vibe by chucking their rubbish in your backgarden, what a giggle ehh, the cheeky scamps.Big Kiss Si xxx
Vernon & Sheila
Hi Anna
We both really enjoyed reading your last update from NZ - it beats sunny Hertford hands down! Glad to hear your enjoying yourself and looking forward to seeing you when you return.
Vernon and Aunt Sheila
Hi Anna,
I have just read your latest update. I'm not sure that all this non-stop pleasure is really good for you. I was very impressed that you volunteered to spend time as a carer for all those old folks and I'm sure that your addiction to Worther's Originals can be cured with time, but should you really be counting BP petrol stations on a scenic tour of NZ? Have a good time in the Cook Islands and watch out for any nasty flying bugs and don't forget your suncream.(Sorry, just couldn't resist that.)Lots of love Sue and Ian
Hi Anni! Many happy returns for your 21st Birthday!! You look younger every year! Missing you over here! Bob has promised a special surprise for your return, and has mentioned "comparing white bits" - not sure what he means. I am sure seeing those Tasmanian devils are not as great as seeing those Giraffes - Happy days! Best wishes! Eloise
Sue & Ian
Don't fret about Simon selling your handbag. John is still selling handbags at various car boot sales so we can always get you a replacement. Love Sue & Ian
what no computers in kiwi??
happy birthday annie.....get out of kiwi quickly before you catch something contagious....get over the tasman and enjoy god's country! boobs around your ankles....that could never happen but it does remind me of a joan rivers comedy she did in london the other year. dont worry you can stay 33 for ever, we wont mind. i am a little worried by the eyechart and buzzer, as i had heard they completely swapped their clothes in the pub the other day!! not much to report in the land of the free...the oscars were nausiating, george bush remains a dill (i cant say anything harsher in case murphy sets the secret service on me) and the weather is all screwed up (but we can blame that on george). so enjoy the dead to dieing on your tours and get on the plane quickly now!
Happy birthday annie! Glad to hear your breasts are not down by your knees (ok not as subtle as buzzers comment but i wanted to pass on the same sentiment). Life without you here at work is strange, oh hang-on...anyway new zealand is a wonderful place. shame to hear the experience is being shared with a bunch of old fogies you might have to steal yourself away or just get blind drunk in your room. enjoy the rest of your journey!
Annie, belated happy birthday ! really entertaining account of your adventures...think there is a literary streak in you. will definately celebrate your 34 1/3 when you return. i am sure you will have stayed up to watch the 6 nations at whatever ridiculous o'clock it was in New Zealand - you probably wondered why you bothered !!
london life ticks along - shipping flying the flag at half mast until you return. best shunter
Annie, of course we did not let your birthday go without celebration - the party was fab, and since Simon has sold all your furniture the house was a great venue, just hope the stains come out. Thought the auction Simon organised on the night of the party to sell off your last few remaining items was a good idea and I understand has funded his life long dream to start up an otter sanctuary, where of course the star attraction will be Keith!!!
Have to say Kathryn and I are feeling a little left out now you have you new (or should I say old) friends - actually I would prob get on really well with them and have lots in common as closer to their age anyway!
Hi Annie !
Happy belated birthday but am delighted you will have a birthday fiesta when you are back. Missing you in the office but great to read your news ! Take care & come back !!