Gday guys and gals
Well what an active last few weeks its been in good old Oz. Since last writing in Exmouth I've flown around the remaining terroritories. Sorry to leave one horse town Exmouth behind (not! although the whale sharks were amazing) back to Perth for a few days and a trip to Fremantle. The jellyfish are huge in th…
Gday guys and gals
Well what an active last few weeks its been in good old Oz. Since last writing in Exmouth I've flown around the remaining terroritories. Sorry to leave one horse tow…
Gday from OzWell I've been here for just over 2 weeks and have been busy. I started in Melbourne which I have decided is good enough place for me to move to. It has a lovely vibe to the pl…
Bula from Fiji,Well I love it here, in fact if a local would adopt me I would stay. Thats not to say my arrival here went particularly well. I have debated whether to own up to this in public …
Kia Orana from Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Well I've spent 7 hard days here, doing virtually nothing. Mainly as the pace of life here is rather slow. The islands are beautiful, just like the …
Kia Ora,
Well its my last day in NZ. The last few weeks have been full of adventure on the South Island. I've flown in a light aircraft over Mt Cook - although the landing was something I&…
Hi Annie and Happy Easter. Sounds like you're having a great time travelling around. Shame today's trip was cancelled but i do hope you have a stash of easter eggs you can take comfort with although you'll have to eat them rather quickly in the heat. Can't believe how quickly the time has gone. i'm sure that you're beside yourself with excitment at the thought of returning home and even more than that back to work!!! sadly i'm logged on again from home but i am on duty this weekend so i thought i'd better have a quick look to see if everything is still floating as it should be.enjoy the rest of your trip and look forward to seeing you back very soon.p.s. have you managed to get yourself a tan yet ?
thought i best bring you up to date, after your neighbours joined in the giggle at one of our themed parties at your house by throwing their rubbish over the wall into your garden ( we did all laugh ) I thought it might be polite to post it back to them through their letter box, Anyway i struggled with some of the larger items so i placed those items in their car, they left the sunroof open, seemed like an invite to me ( we did all laugh again ).oh just a small little thing, what is the true bodywork colour of your car ? dont worry audi claim they can remove any multi coloured paint scheme that may have been added late at night by maybe their not so fun people from next door but they would like to have an idea as to its original colour.hope you are having fun, big kiss x
you sacrificed keith!!!!!! what am i going to tell the wonderful expectant people of Blackpool, Keith was headlining just off the strip, past the bookies and turn left at Mr Scampi's fish emporium , continue up on the left past Blackpools real cornish pasty factory and you could see the neon Salsa keith sign above the scout hut. ( adventure scouts every second wednesday)and as for your suggestion of a substitute, how would supergluing a magnum classic lolly stick to a salad vegetable and then launching it on to the north sea with only a very small kite to take it on its way, keep a baying crowd happy, when they have travelled far and wide to see keith interpretation of the Gypsy kings bamboleo. Gary Wilmot was to be the MC and i was lining up Orville as a surprise guest, and if he couldn't have made it I had that bernie bloke with the ostrich as back up.Best take Keiths MySpace page down as well then.I would have cut you in as well, although the private salsa lessons Keith was set to give on thursday afternoons after strip bingo at the Golden Sands old folks home in Bolton were to be split just between me and my pig.
Hi AnnaCongratulations on getting your diving certificate! I'm enjoying reading your updates and looking forward to seeing you again soon.Aunt Sheila
Sue & Ian
Hi Anna,So sorry that you had to eat Keith(such a great talent cut down in his prime)still needs must as they say.Sid sounds like fun,are sea cucumbers edible?Simon has told us that he doesn't want any presents for his birthday!!Can he be sickening for something or is he just grieving for Keith?Have decided to spend the money on Botox so that I can keep a straight face when I see him.Much love - Sue & Ian
Hi AnnaWe enjoyed reading your latest update – it sounds like you’re managing to have fun despite the trials and tribulations of Antipodean plumbing.We had an interesting weekend. We took the kids to visit this new otter sanctuary that's opened near where I work. They thought it was fantastic but I must confess that I was very surprised by its location, slap bang in the middle of a rather nice housing development. It must be a struggle for the staff, having to keep chasing the poor little creatures back out of the neighbour’s gardens - and the water feature in the middle of the estate is just a magnet to them. I mentioned my concerns to the chap in charge, a very nice man by the name of Simon, and he said not to worry – as soon as he’s finished digging out the new pond in the back garden all will be fine. He did say that it was a bit of a squeeze at present though, what with all of those otters living in the one en suite bathroom.Only kidding! The otters are living in the garage reallyDo keep updating your journal – we are all looking forward to seeing you again upon your return!
hey kev, sounds like you are having a great time ..... i am sat here on the sofa with a dreadful hangover having partaken of vast quantities of beer in celebration of the fact that the vast majority of people in chicago have some irish heritage ..... seems all a bit odd but they were wearing green so i guess they indeed had a little leprauchaun in them .... i had a couple of offers of same but declined. right some of us have got to prepare for another week in the office ... have fun down under and remember to use protection - SUNSCREEN !!! lata, ern
simon glanville
Annie.G'day...great blog..sounds like you are having a lot of fun.very jealous.i don't think i've seen daylight for 4 months,let alone sunshine.look forward to hearing all about it over a lite ale when you return take care. sg
Hello you, Just wanted to tell you i miss you very much, I have found i am missing you more as my birthday approaches,strange !!! anyway sure my presents are winging their way across the pond as we speak.I have come up with a blinding idea that involves you having to do some work and me benefiting in the way of cash by the way.Although I have wanted a salsa dancing pig for a while, I have realised that such a talented animal may well be worshipped in some of the smaller Cook islands, through my soul searching I have decided its cool to cash in on Keith, I therefore believe you should put on a roadshow spotlighting Keiths talents ( more cash here for the selling of tickets, beverages and t shirt/mug/ rucksack/mousemat etc opportunity) and at the end of said tour sell him off, for gold and an Aston Martin.ta...I thought about keeping keith and extending the tour to Stevenage, Harlow and Letchworth but after putting a few fliers in the local newspapers i received a few odd phonecalls asking if Keith had any special costumes for private parties.... Wasps won again, without international players, England beat French to deny grandslam ( shame), Spurs threw away 2 goal lead to draw with Chelsea, Arsenal lost in all cups and Wenger stamped his feet alot and said something about evereyone hating him and his silly named team. Your neighbours were very vocal about the party but not to worry we grabbed a number of their strange garden statues and held them hostage until they were hush, lovely people who said they cant wait until you get home though, they joined in with the party vibe by chucking their rubbish in your backgarden, what a giggle ehh, the cheeky scamps.Big Kiss Si xxx
Vernon & Sheila
Hi AnnaWe both really enjoyed reading your last update from NZ - it beats sunny Hertford hands down! Glad to hear your enjoying yourself and looking forward to seeing you when you return.Vernon and Aunt Sheila