Peter, Vicky, Garry, Captain Genghis and I took the tender to climb St Nicholas Island & check out the early Byzantine ruins. The island was inhabited until 12th century AD, an important stop for pilgrims on their way to the Holy Lands in Palestine.
Several churches, one huge with surviving mosaic, a long stone corridor with vaulted ceiling and an impressive cistern (medieval water tank) to which water was channelled from higher on the Island. Impressive engineering and architecture. Plenty of carob & olive trees and wild thyme. God knows what else they lived on!
I have loaded a few pics of the ruins in the Photo Gallery if you are interested in rock piles!
Back to the boat & a quick swim b4 breakfast, then more stunning coastal scenery as we head to Gocek Bay. Enough breeze to flutter some sails -passing a few boats with mainsails up making reasonable progress. It is quite extraordinary how calm the waters are. A glorious 30 degree day, clear blue skies, gentle your hearts out our southern Aussie friends & relations!!
Moved up the coast to Gocek Bay stopping at Hamam Bay - Cleopatra would be thrilled to know Thea, Mary, Louise, Garry, Peter, tony and i swam here, as she did. Pretty cool swimming, snorkeling and taking the canoes through the ruins, a few other boats around. Mary and I came across some Russian guys, and a family who brought there boat here from Lebanon.
After lunch sails up and heading for Gocek.
Last night aboard for Tony & Thea who depart tomorrow for Paris, so an explore of Gocek, on board for farewell dinner, and moor at anchor outside the marina.
- comments
Antonio Russo Aboslutely incredible!! I have spent a good part of this working day scrolling and drolling over the blog. Envious of the colour of your adventure. My toes are cold, and as I shiver in wintery chill, I can feel the warm sun and the carefree nature of your travels. Eny again!! Bloody amazing.