Got rudely awoken at half 8 as our fan had gone off so we were both sticky hot and we don't get aircon rooms any more because they are more expensive. They had to start a generator or back up electricity which was the loudest thing I have ever heard! Our fan didn't even come back on! Hot isnt the word!
As we couldnt stand being in the room anymore we went to sun bath, we were literally in the sun 5 minutes without sun cream and got burnt a little bit and clever me forgot to put my bikini straps down! Brilliant!
The women and children selling stuff on the beach are brutal! It's ridiculous! This woman forced me to have a manicure and pedicure for $4 (£2.50) it was ok! But at one point there was 8, yes 8 people around my sun bed trying to sell me things as I accepted hers! Do I look like I need 'Roy Ben' sun glasses or 3 lobsters for a dollar! Of course, Michael just sat and laughed at me the whole time! It's nice I know he had my back!
Called Da from the Internet place next door to our guest house! It cost 25 cents a minute even though it's a Cambodian mobile! Kill me now! Skype is essential!
Had lunch then sun bathed some more! All the kids are desperate to thread my legs! It's not like a don't shave but they are obsessed! So, you know how my heart breaks for the kids, I accepted! Legs, under arms an eyebrows for $15 (£9). For the next 2 hours I was surrounded! I love them all though! We talked about school, parents, boyfriends, lesbians, gays, music, films and everything else! They are hilarious!
Me and michael are addicted to the ice coffees with sweet milk they do at our guest house! They are beaut! The electric didn't come back on all day on the beach!
Updated my scrap book as i didn't have time at all in Phnom Penh! It's getting huge though I'm going to need a separate rucksack soon!
Got ready and went out about 9! Had some noodles at a resort restaurant as most places had stopped serving food! They were beaut! Michael had pork though and it wasn't good meat! What's new!
All the kids from today ran up to us in the restaurant even though it's no selling children aloud inside any restaurant or guest house on the beach! They wanted to add me on Facebook! How adorable! I should mention they all tell me they are 16 or above which I don't believe!
Michael is still ill so we didn't go out and went straight home like a good little girl and boy.
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