Checked out of tranquility guest house! The bill was more expensive then we thought it would be so we literally had $1.50 for the rest of the day! Oh well when in Cambodia!
Michael nearly fainted as he went very dizzy as he ran to go and be sick! I think we will go to the doctors when we get back to Phnom Penh! Bless him!
Got a mini bus to the main coach and got on! The coach cost $6 for the 5 hours! This idiot stuck up girl sat in front of us and put her seat right back without saying a word! Talk about selfish! She put it up to get a drink and I up my feet on her seat so she couldn't get it all the way back down and pretended to be asleep. #don't mess.
The bus took 6 hours to get back to Phnom penh! Believe me I was 6 shades of bored! Eye spy just doesn't cut it sometimes!
Got to the bus station and haggled a tuktuk to take us back to Longlin guest house where we stayed before! When we pulled up they all laughed! Clearly we are the reason for all there jokes! We never even use the room it's more like a cupboard! They paid for our tuktuk so I wasn't complaining!
Went back into the room we stayed in before! The 5 cockroaches (Annie, Michael, Da, Din and Tyra Banks) had left! We no longer run a zoo! The bathroom still stank though!
We needed an ATM to went to find one but non of them worked! I bumped into Da on the street! :) it feels like we never left! Apart from my stupid tan marks!!!
Got back to the guest house and had vegetable Khmer rice for tea! Lush. They put a fried egg randomly on everything though!
Some things I have noticed;
In Cambodia men have really long nails! Woman have short nails! Just thought I would mention this!
The palace cost $6.25 each for us to get in but only $0.50 for locals! Kill me!
A lot of girls here have 'super root boost' hair. It's like crimped at the root and straight for all the rest of it! Personally I think it looks ridiculous.
Angry birds is everywhere! In ever pebble that is Cambodia! All the children wear head to toe angry birds. Went to a stall the other day that had tofu skewers that were different angry birds colours and shapes! This is a piece of tofu to far if you ask me! There is a line and it has been crossed.
It's weird seeing big shopping centres, temples or hotels next door to wooden shacks with 15 people living in them. But it's everywhere!
A lot of houses has big colourful beautiful archways on the drive up to there houses which look very expensive. Then you look at the house and it's made of corrugated iron and bamboo. They must think first impressions are the most important.
Tuktuk drivers get very bored waiting for business, on about 25 occasions I have seen them looking in the wing mirrors of there moto's shaving! Full on foam and everything! They also moisturise, brush there hair, take pictures you name it! No one else thinks this is strange though!
Khmer men don't really have stubble! Like when Michael doesn't shave he has a full on beard but boys here has a moustache and about 11.5 hairs on there chin!
The beggars here are different to Thailand. They all have missing limbs or are blind. Which reminds me we need massages from the blind before we leave Phnom Penh.
The massages here are all of the *cough* wandering hands variety ... Well about 90% apparently and people have recommended going to the blind place as its for charity as well.
Got ready for about 9 because thats when Matthew Robinson skyped me! It was so lovely to see his face! He said he needed to be the main feature in my blog but the things we discussed can never appear on a blog! Haha
Went out at 10 to 2 colours! Had a drink in there but it's totes awks there now and Da wasn't working.
After that Dins uncle gave us a lift in his white range rover to Blue Chilli! There is nothing like arriving in style!
It was the lady boy show tonight! It's always the same girls but with different acts! Beyonce always appears though! Met Da there and after got on the back of his moto to Heart of Darkness club!
The bouncers know how much of an alcoholic I am now so they laugh every time they see me! The woman still frisks me as she thinks I'm packing.
After Michael and Din left I stayed with Da and John all night until it closed! It was such a funny night as I know all the regulars now! I would really rather hang out with locals wherever we go than other travellers! They know where and where not to go and we don't get hassled as much when we are with them! Also you get to see a lot more culture!
Me and Da got the moto to a food stall place near the river side! I wanted to go to the river side but he said I would get mugged and raped if we went there! No joke. Scary stuff!
We got to plates of rice and had about 2 mouthfuls when we couldn't help looking at the children on the street. We gave all our food away to the 5 children near us! This was the most adorable thing ever! Love it! I would rather give them food than money! My heart melts.
Got back about 7ish! Back to the same routine! My liver hates me!
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