heya, your v. tanned annelies! just to let you know i'm not seeing you when you come back until it fades!!!
love the sea to- it's like cartoon blue tootally fun in the sun and blueamazing. i'm meant to be building a 3d house on an animation program at the min so this message might b very long because it's very boring- you wont know how boring untill you've spent two hours building a computer toilet. well have lots more sea and lovely weather!!!!hmmp love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Olny srmat poelpe can.
cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr
the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the
frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
HAPPY SINTERKLASS !!! yay! sorry day late! its so so so weird not being able to celebrate it and also all the xmas deco is making me miss everyone! i cant put decorations up :( anyway! am in Christchurch NZ now, which they say is the most English NZ city which i guess it kinda is, its very pretty but there is a lot of rain! ah well!
Nioce one with your essay em! all sounds so exciting! really glad u sound like you are havin a fab time!! who is this certain someone that jo has abandoned me for!?!?! lol, love ya josephine! oer bet no one has called u that for a while, flash from the past! anyhow ppl! best be off! am going to Fox Glacier tomorra! So excited! yay! much love to all, thanks for msgs! see ya in the not to distant future! :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gezellige Sinterklass!!!!! Aplausssssssssssssssssssss for emily! Wonder what New Zealand in the south island is like. Let me know when you have done your skydive and bungyjump NOT before. The photo's are just amazing! Hug Mam
HAPPY SINTERKLAAS!!! (hope i got the right day!) the photos are absolutely amazing and you look totally gorgeous as ever! can't wait to hear about it all...certainly looks like there was some drunken antics anyway! that was the biggest scariest spider i have ever seen, it made me feel all wiggly just looking at the pic! Eek!we put xmas decorations up on our floor yesterday, its so christmassy and sparkly and we had mince pies and some rather interesting microwaved mulled wine! off to newcastle on thursday for drinking and kebabs! gonna find some geordies, maybe bring jo home one aka edinburgh/geordie jamie!?!? i would also like to apologise for my other, less good half aka Jo. i have noticed a severe absence of messages from her, maybe she has just been toooooo busy sending drunken txts to a certain someone...ha ha ha!!! she should never be allowed near alcohol/phone/computer ever...she is a danger to herself! have just handed in my 1st essay (applause) and am now off down the pub for lunch to celebrate (any excuse i know!) cant wait to see you, i am missing youuuuuuuu! big kisses! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I won't say the only other Dutch I know ;) xxxx
Ha die annelies, Alleen Julia en de nederlanders kunnen dit begrijpen maar dacht toch ook even een nederlands verhaaltje. Na de sneeuw en ijs hebben we nu heel veel regen. Je broertje Willem is weer gezellig aan het msm met vroegere vriendin?!!!!??? Weet je wie ik bedoel namen kan ik niet noemen dan weet iedereen Hij heeft mij verteld dat er niets is...??:< Tot snel Liefs MAM
Anique Nolet
Hai Annelies, wat leuk om al die verhalen te lezen en mooie foto's te zien!
Wat ben jij lekker aan 't stralen zeg! Leuk ook je nieuwe haar, staat je goed.
Ik stuur dit mailtje expres in het Nederlands, want je mag deze schone taal
natuurlijk niet vergeten ,nu je niet meer hollands met Carola kan praten!
Geniet nog onwijs van alles waar je maar van genieten kan. Heel veel liefs,
en groetjes van de hele familie, Anique
hello puddy!!
you look like you are having such a good time, you look really brown and your hair looks so nice. Laura is looking really well, it must be so strange seeing each other again. Anyway love you lots puddy and really can't wait till xmas. I am supposed to be writing an essay right now but i am so bored i have 800 words to write before tomorrow so maybe i should go and do that now, although have worlds worst hangover. Anyway love you lots and hope you are having the best time, the new pictures are really cool! Speak to you soon
princess berty xxxxxxxxxx
Hi You must be without reception on your mobile or engaged. Your hunk of a man'svoice is telling me you have no mailbox It is hystirical Where did you find HIM!!! :> So funny.Loved your postcard it must have been fab!Can't wait to see your pictures. Be good Be safe And Have FUN Hug Mam
He you down on the other side of the world! I believe you're having the time your life, don't get to much roasted under that melting sun! Last few days I spent at the Punchbowl, that were a few re-stressing days. A wonderful place to stay. I was allowed to sleep in your room!! It is a bit dust collecting there so I think you'll have to come back soon. I'm now back below sea-level, Moon is missing D alot.....
U have fun over there, hoop to hear your wonderful stories some day, keep cool! Love, Marten
Hey Jen and Helena!!!! Thanks for your messages!!! yay!! ok jen yep that is a new dress/top thingy! lol! but it was a bargin! u know me bargins all round!!! hehe! Yeah do send me love to Racheal and Jay and glad to hear u r all missin me!!! :) aw! cant wait for another nite in carlton! did i spell that right? who knows!Anyway girlies, am gonna write a postcard for the site nopw me thinks, having issues with puttin some photos onm but dont worry guys these photos are worth the wait - Thw Whitsunday Islands! Stunning! much love to everyone! hope there is still snow or snow now for em! lotsa love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx