hi annelies, glad your having a good time, sounds amazing i am soo jealous!
It looks so hot there and the sky looks all blue, unlike here it is freezing but this is england! Oh puddy how we miss you so but barcelona is calling us but not too soon you have to have the time of your life in oz and nz first. Omg i am rambling i don't really understand what i have just put but love you liesy have fun with laura and make sure you take lots of pics miss you lots jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Joanna, Matti & I partied it out in Brighton last night but we thought you should have been there with us ;) Hope you're well & having lots of fun, hello to Laur & Jess from me. Take care ok?! Much Love xxxxxxx
Linda & Brian
Hi Hon
you seem to be having all the fun, we're so jealous! Its bringing back happy memories of our trip. Did you know that Jules and Jon had an appartment in Darling Harbour and Jules worked in one of those'funky' bars!If you see any spare wombats please bring one home for me.If you plan to go as far as Cairns dont forget that BC's neice Vee runs a backpackers hostel there with her husband.
Have a ball.Big hug. Linda & Brianxxxxxxxxx
A few more pics guys in existing folders n then a few of Sydney! Im sure they will get more excting soon as gonna be goin out partyin to celebrate the end of lauzys exams next week!! he he!! Am having a totally fab time, weather is gorgeous, spent today at the beach and shopping, hoping to go and see jess in Adelaide if flights arent too pricey, then gonna be goin into the outback where lauras family lives n also got a few 21st bdays lined up! then gonna do a very quick tour of the east coast before heading to new zealand! yay! love this life! hope all is well and chat soon, much love! xxxx
leesy pictures stunning babe. hope you havin brill time. missin ya loads. sorry its borin message but gotta go for meal
lora love
Bonfire night cold and wet and windy remember remeber??!?:) Those pictures from your Pinnacle trip are just bliss certainly brightens up our grey day here. You just keep on smiling!!
HUG Mam xxxxxx
ooooh! it looks so pretty, you look like you're having such a fab time, and the koalas - i want one, how cute are they!!! i hope you are ok - those snakes look pretty scary!!! it was fireworks tonight which was cool (just not the same as codford though!?!?!) and i've got my first rugby match tomorrow, i also got made to go on a 4 mile run the other day which im sure will make you chuckle - i was not amused!!! we all miss you terribly, i am very sad and check this like a million times a day! that looks like the most amazing beach ever though!!! met any cool aussies yet? keep having fun my little travelling dude! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s sorry about my mother, a ray of sunshine as always!?!?!
Hey baby! Wow, pics look great i'm particularly lovin' the sand boardin; looks so fun! My type of sport hehe! Sounds like ur havin' so much fun on ur travels and i'm mor than jealous! I'm writing 2 u from Germany as i am visiting Tim; He's doing a 3month course for his work here, nearly finished! Well hunny it's been way 2 long since we'v seen eachother! i hear ur bk @ christmas; so am i! 16th dec-16th jan! so gimme a tx wen ur bk i'm def up4 a drink! love u loads and look 4ward 2hearin mor from ur little travels mwah mwah lov ya kiz xXx
Em's Mum
hi annelies the photos are great and i am so jealous i suffer with SAD so i feel even worse now when you send
them of NZ i shall be jumping off a cliff we are off to see emily next week which will be really good harry potter
and all that keep on having a great time and watch out for the huntsmans that always ended up on the bottom
of my sleeping bag
Oh yeah and my aussie mob no on the contact page, love ya, annelies xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey all! jus to let u know there are some more pics and a POSTCARD! muchos lovos to u all! hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)
hey puddy! well i hope you are having the best time! remember keep a look out for my future husband so i can look him up when i go next summer! pictures look good but couldnt really see the birds that clearly- but i am sure they were really there if you said they were.weather looks absolutly amazing i am so jealous- it is definatly not sunny in bristol, all we get is rain. you know how much i love my aussie men so i think everyone would agree with me when i say there is a serious lack of totty in these pics! c'mon i live in bristol...... i need something to keep me going. cant wait to see you xxxxxxx