We had to spend a couple of hours on the catamaran again to go south to Octopus resort on Waya - an island further south than Nacula. Accident-prone-me managed in this time to shut the bathroom door on my heel and make it bleed lots! It was nice however to finally be able to satisfy our ice-cream craving and get a blast of air-con before again being dropped off in a small tin fish and taken ashore. This time it was just Arwa and I going to the resort, but the staff all gathered to sing to us anyway and we were given a welcome drink as in Oarsmans. My first impressions were that this place was a lot smarter or "finished". It turns out its owned by a rich American who owns resorts all over the world and is managed by an Australian couple, so there seems to be more emphasis making it look posh for the tourists - cushioned loungers, swimming pool, covered restaurant area that looks like a regular restaurant but has a sand pit for a floor! The nicest thing about Octopus is that they fund all the children in the local village on the island to go to school, either on a neighbouring island or on the main island when they are older.
My good experience at octopus lasted approximately an hour. We settled into what is generally regarded as the best dorm in the Yasawas - comfortable beds, individual mossie nets, individual bedside tables with individual bedside fan and lamp! - luxury! We met two welsh travellers - Hannah and Dave and had a fiji gold with them in the bar before going to find some loungers on the beach. At this point I started to feel sick, which got worse and worse to the point I ate one calamari ring out of a three course dinner then went to bed before 8 and was up all night being sick. Not fun. It also meant I missed out on the international crab racing! It turns our the first three prizes - all bar tabs - went to children. What a waste! The following day I was so drained I could barely get out of bed and briefly made it to a lounger in the shade for a few hours until the heat became unbearable and I returned to bed. At this point I became really grateful that I was staying in the best dorm in the Yasawas! Arwa was very good at looking after me and brought me fruit in the morning and drinks - and forced me to drink them! She had a great day though and went on the hike round the island, almost knocking her head off by falling in a stream and doing the splits, whilst submerging her camera in water! They were also taken to the village where she met her guide's family - a lovely wife, five gorgeous children, four dogs and lots of pigs! In the evening the staff were having their christmas party which we were invited to and they cooked a traditional lovu - where they bake food in the ground and they prepared all sorts of amazing dishes - chicken, beef, spinach leaf wrap things and lots of other tasty food. I didn't eat it, I ate rice (apparently it was delicious. humph!)
By the final day at octopus I was basically back to normal, but still didn't feel hugely active so after finally getting my moneys worth from the amazing buffet breakfast and some very expensive internet time we set ourselves on some sea-facing loungers and stayed there until lunch, with intermittent dips in the pool to cool off. I was quite sad to have missed out on doing all the activities at the resort but appreciate I was in the most comfortable place I could have been in, especially as after asking for a bowl in case I was sick in the night I was presented with a champagne bucket!
In the afternoon we had the traditional farewell from the staff as they sang to us and we hopped back on the launch to head out to meet the catamaran. This time we were even more grateful to sit inside and enjoy the air-con for a couple of hours until we arrived back in Nadi. We were taken back to Bluewater lodge by the ferry company where we were happy to be reunited with Joe who took good care of us and we spent the evening chilling out with Hannah and Dave who were also staying there.
Our flight to Auckland was in the afternoon so after checking out in the morning we were forced to relax by the pool again and wait - shame! this plan was slightly hindered by torrential rain storms, but it was quite exciting to watch since it was pretty much the first rain we'd seen in Fiji - very lucky for the wet season!
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