We have dropped our mouths open a few times on this trip.....intriguing factoids:
1. Cheetah and dogs live together at The San Diego Zoo. 2 cheetah...2 dogs....a buddy for each. The dog actually becomes the alpha animal and the cheetah takes on the temperament of the dog. This makes it easier for the zoo keepers to interact with the cheetahs.
2. Hippos poop and paddle their poop with their tales. It breaks the poopy up and the fish feast away. They stay in the water so much because they cannot handle the weight of their own bodies.
3. When a koala bear is born, it's the size of a gummy bear!!!!
4. The mouth of the Chesapeake Bay is actually formed from a meteor crater. It's 53 miles wide.
5. Tijuana pollutes Coronado's beautiful water a lot.....sewage...ugh!!!
More to come....
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