Friday 30th May 08
Yesterday i was sitting on the net thinking i am really over London so booked myself a ticket to Brighton for a day. Brighton is south coast 1 hour by fast train. I am not to worry about finding a job in the next week (when i should be) but the mood in London is bring me down so need a seaside escape. I rised at 5:30am headed for Victoria Train Station. Departed at 8am with a big smile on my face. I didn't get to see much of the country side as the train tracks were lined with trees, only caught glimpse & what i did see made me want to pack up and explore the rest by car. If the glimpse i saw were that beautiful in a fast moving train flighting to see the view imagine what the rest would be like in a car???? Oh i don't want to settle i just want to travel!!!
Brighton wasn't much different to to other seaside towns in Oz apart from the stones/pebbles replacing our beautiful sand. After going for a walk and getting my bearings of the town i hit the shops and found some great bargains in Primark (AGAIN.... My whole new wardrobe is basely from Primark.) op shops and a pound a shop (like our $2 shop)
I felt like a pack horse now. I spoke to Mum just when arrived and she said i had to have fish and chips on the beach as that's what Brighton is famous for. So Thanks Mum i did exactly that. I was terrorised by a grant sea gull in the process. They are not normal size here. (i will try an upload a video i took of it) It got so close it nearly ate my fish. The beach didn't have any waves and the water was surprisingly ok to swim in. The weather was overcast but not to cold and didn't rain . I walked along the pier where they had lots of show rides, i really wanted to go on the zipper, mine and Kat's ride but i had all my bags with me. Then i ventured for a walk around the streets and got a bit lost. I walked at least 5km today and the place was very hilly. Finally finding my way back i just chilled for a while, my arms couldn't handle carrying the bags any longer but its my own fault for buying so much. Train left at 6pm. I liked Brighton it had everything you would need but i thought it would be alot prettier, the buildings were harsh looking and i guess the overcast day didn't help with making the beach look inviting but all in all i had fun and was great to escape London for a bit and forget i am loads of miles from Home.
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