More Pun in the Philippines
So we are back on the road again for some more flash-packing adventures. As some of you enjoyed my temple count on the last trip, I thought I should aim for something similar this time around. Although maybe counting individual rice grains is something I can't really commit to!
I've spent the last few years trying to justify excessive air fares to fly on a A380. This time I finally got away with it and we took the beast on route to Dubai for our first stopover (6 hour flight time) There seemed to be much more space than other flights I have been on. If someone can lend me £330 million pounds then perhaps I might buy one when I get home.
We had 4 hours to kill in Dubai airport, amongst Sheiks, a model camel and Costa (nowhere in the world is safe!). We then took the next leg (8 hours) into Manila. We talked with our first native Filipino man - George, a Shipman who was on the way back home from Las Palmas. He does two months out at sea and then two months back at home. I had already read about how friendly the local people are and this was backed up with the conversation and even more so after George rooted around his hand luggage and presented us with a magnet each from Las Palmas. As he wished us a good trip he also said "Everything is more fun in the Philippines" although the f sounded more like a p, hence the title of this post! (We also read the same on a poster as we walked through the airport. Maybe this would be our catch phrase for the trip!)
On arriving at Manila airport we spent the next two hours being reminded you cannot do anything fast in Asia. Long wait to get through customs followed by an extra long wait to take a cab to the hotel. Our cab driver (Alma Antonio) explained there was a fire blocking the taxi route to the airport. Turns out she is also the only female cab driver in Manila.
The traffic is extremely congested, if you replaced all those bikes in HCMC for cars then that might give you a idea of just how many there are. The 20 minute journey (according to google) took the best part of a hour. Alma was also very friendly and offered us plenty of advice on what to eat, and how much extra time we would need to leave to get back to the airport. We also passed the scene of the fire, that had now been extinguished. It was a shanty town, with all the residents standing around outside probably trying to figure out what they were going to do next and where they would stay.
We got our first sample of Filipino food at the hotel restaurant sky deck which overlooked the Manila skyline. I had read previously that the food here is a lot simpler than its other Asian neighbours. We had;
Pinakbet - Okra and other veg in a shrimp paste. I thought it was ok (if not a tad bitter ) but Tash didn't like it "I don't like my vegetables to taste of fish"
Liempo - Belly pork, tasted of oyster sauce, slightly sweet and dressed in dried shallots. Served with some pickled papaya on the side.
Tilapia - fried in batter and had some mango dipping sauce.
I also had my first genuine San Miguel beer, it surprises most people to find out its a Filipino beer.
Bowl of rice consumed; 1
Hours flying; 14
Times read/told "It's More fun in the Philippines"; 2.
- comments
Tracey Pork belly! You don't get chop pork or sausage pork... Still... Great blog :-)
Tom Big smiles from me mate! Glad you're getting out there. I can just imagine Tash complaining of fishy veg. Pleased you like the A380. How about some pics? Fruit on the head?
Jenny Aw great blog pandy :) have a fab time out there.
Sophy Lovin' the blog King! You are like the new Judith Chalmers (of wish you were here fame). I would like to see you match her tan!
Anne gordon Goodyou got there okay .Strange sounding food ,however I am sure that with your experienced palate you will both be fine and get used to it .Like Tash I don't think I want my veg tasting of fish !.When you get your own plane don't forget about your poor relations .....Brilliant start to the blog .Take care hugs and kisses A&Gxx
Danka Andush, you should keep on travelling for the rest of the year and write cool posts like those previous 2, that would make me feel that I visited those places, your description of places, food and people are so vivid ;-)
Ana Super fun! Love this