still in the same place, gettin ready to leave tomoro, and yes i am headin to another island! called koh tao, its famous for scuba divin, not sure if ill do it here or not, mite just go snorkellin, and save the divin for Aus.
feel a bit guilty stayin in 1 place but got a really cheap room, been more like a holiday than backpackin last 2 weeks, but oh well, been quality, met so many peolpe, lots from uk and ire last few days!
full moon party was pretty crazy, thousands of people on the beach, boat loads came from the other islands and mainland for it for nite, wish i had brought camera out, we all donned the face paint for it. unfortunately with so many people it is a bad time for theft, lots of thai people come for it with this sole intention! so i put camera in safe, can hopefuly get people to email me photos.
will b doin a bi more travelin in nx week before i fly to melbourn on 14th. thinkin of flyin down tho to singapore, prety cheap, will save me spendin 3 days on buses!
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