I arrived in kho pha nang on wednesday nite. spent a day travelling from phuket, i am on the west coast now, alot more backpackers over this side. bit of an effort to get here, the thai buses r quite an experience,i thought the megabus was bad! they take alot longer than they say, often stopping to pick their mates up in the middle of nowhere, they also stop and all these people get on to try and sellu some fruit, therer is no escaping them!
i just took it easy the first nite, found decent enough accomadation for 200 baht(3 pd!) it is pretty poor compared to the rest of the places with air con, altho they r 4 times the price, i have to flush my own toilet with a bucket of water, quite an xperience! didnt have a clue what to do at first, i kind of stared at it for about half an hr!
its quite a small resort im in, nice beachjes, all ive been doin is lay be the beach , watch some films then head out , all the cafes show the latest films, watchin pursuit of happinesss tonite, then hittin the beach party, its a disco on the beach, absolutely packed!
ill tajke some photos tonite and put on tomoro
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