We hope you are both well despite the trials you are getting, but hopefully they will resolve in due course.
We had Mom and Dad down here on the weekend 18-21 to have Xmas dinner etc with us, Emma,Tom,Jon,Leissa and the grandchildren.
We had a lot of fun as we took them on the "Santa" train to a panto with lots of excited shouting and laughing.
Mom and Dad invited us to their hotel on Sunday evening, and we had a lovely meal and a quiet chat.
Any way must go, take care both and "Happy Birthday" 31st I think!
Geoff & Jenny xx
Geoff & Jenny
Hi Guys, Wow! what an adventure, just caught up again after computer problem. You really are seeing some sights and both look very well. Hope the weather keeps good as we go into winter !!!!! I see Andy can't find his razor again!! Gotta go, work to be done, have fun and enjoy, love to both.... Geoff & Jenny xx xx
Elane & Rod Baker
Hi Guys! What an adventure you are both having! Love the picture of Emma with the Koala bear ! I am writing this on a typical autumn morning looking out of my bedroom window across the Nene valley not quite as excitiing as the view must be from your window !! Sue gave me your web page details and I will be reading your blog and following your journey with great interest! Lots of love to you both. Elaine x x x
Big Mr. & Mrs. R
Hiya both, Love the new 'house' - looks really cosy! (can't believe you've taken to life on the go!) but you look and sound really happy! Stay safe in the outback - keep away from them dingos! Love ya lots & miss you more. Catch up later.... Mum & Dad xxxxxx
Wendy And Tony
Hi you two! Sounds like you are really having fun. Would love to visit Oz but my heart wouldn't take the spiders and snakes! Hope you continue to enjoy yourselves. From not so sunny Kent!
Hi Andy hi Emma, I've just been reading your blog from June 25... Crikey! you have been having some adventures all ready. Had to laugh at the broken crockery and campervan roof, sorry! lol (sure it just adds to the fun in end though). I can imagine the wild dolphin looked awesome.. I'm so jealous. Glad to hear your having a great time. I love both your strong spirits, your blog makes good reading, I'm going to catch up on past blogs later I'm a bit behind. Not much to report back from me that can compare to beaches and campers but all is well and doing ok. Anyway nice to catch up, I'm best-man at Dan and Claire's wedding august 8 so I'm gonna try and work on my speech a bit later today so best crack on. All the best folks, love always Chris
Big Mrs R.
Yoah! Loved the latest blog! Too bad Brisbane doesn't quite live up to Auckland but hey it was worth going just for the koalas eh Em? Didn't show the teds the pics cos they might get a bit jealous;) Hope everything goes well with the camper tomorrow. Take care & catch u later. xxxxxxxx
Kay And Kev
Ello again you two.Love some of those plants wouldnt mind some cuttings off those,didnt like spider yak.Seeing all those cakes has made my tummy rumble,can you hear it rumble rumble.Anyway take care.Luv Kay and Kev X
Tim, Gaynor, Rhi & Tom
Glad to see you are packing a lot in. Not sure about some of the wildlife, we don't know how lucky we are in the UK.
Love to you both.
Kay And Kev
Hello you to.Hope you are both well and happy and enjoying yourselves,at this rate you will need a good holiday to get over this trip ha! ha! you have my sense of humour Andy&Em. Love Kay&Kev XX
Phil & Vicki
HI Em and Andy, Great reading about your adventures. (Green with envy) keep safe both of you and glad that the gluten free food is so readily available.
Love from us both
Aunty Betty
Hiya both,
Seen some of the blog - looks like your having a smashing time - both of you look after yourselves, keep in touch.