just read your email hun and had a quick look at your entiries...very good work!! :) yes i have liberted myself from facebook - yay! things are going well in northampton, having a bbq later today as the weather has been good over the last week or so.. i wont bore you with the details of life a b'card but yea still say in the same seat and 'your' seat still remains empty!! :P
hope you're having a blast in NZ. Just over 2 yrs ago i was traveling round on the kiwi bus.. managed to thrown myself off the sky tower but would never do anything like that again!!
did i tell you my brother came home in the end (from Perth), he's going to live in london now... and my mum and dad quit Spain after a month (damn no cheap holidays!! )
will catch up soon...
have fun Emma and Andy xxxxx
Tim, Gaynor, Rhi & Tom
Hi Both. Great to see reports from your adventures. I won't speak to you if it really was your R8! Enjoy your trip. Best wishes both.
Mum & Dad R
Hi both, Just caught up with your blog - no internet where we're staying so in the local barinternet cafe. Your travels so far sound awesome & you look like you're having a great time (apart from the woolies :) Hope to see you on Skype when we get back. Take care & love you both lots!!!
Love big Mr & Mrs R ;) xxxxxxx
Geoff & Jenny
Hi both, what fantastic fun. We admire your courage to take on such a journey, we once had a dream and now we are living it here on the "English Riviera" so hang on to the dream. Take care both and keep up the blog. Have just emailed mom & dad, we hope they are enjoying the rest. catch you guys later, love and best wishes to you both from Geoff & Jenny.xxxxx
Kay Parker
sorry we didnt say bye to u.Hope u enjoy yourselfs and look after one another and please becareful will speak to u again soon take care.XXXXXX from Kay and Kev
Phyl And Brian
Yo!! All sounds great - very envious & it's even flipping cold here which doesn't help! Always wanted to go to Hollywood and see those famous places.
Am well impressed you saw Dermot! (Probably the only one, but he's well cool.) Great start to your epic journey which is good to read about.
Take care and ENJOY. XX
Thx everyone. Believe me, if you had seen the height of some of those coasters you would have thought twice too! Em is fearless with coasters so she was loving it! Me, if it goes over a small stepladder high then I have to think about it :)
We are loving it so far, even more so that its getting close to going to New Zealand now! Glad to see everyone likes the blog so far :)
George And Sonia
What a great adventure and even better to be able to share it with us all.
Why am I not doing the same thing. Those coasters look awesome.
Hi both, what fantastic fun. I admire your courage Em but Andy...... which ones did you try? Have fun and enjoy. this is a once in a lifetime chance and I am sure you will both make the most of it. Lots of love.
WOO HOO! You are now well on your way to your new and exciting life! YAY!
Lovin' the blog so far and looking forward to your Auzzie terminology making an appearance more often than it should! : ) Galah - I mean really! I'm sure it's only Alf from Home & Away that has ever said that . . . . him and Rolf Harris!
Love to you both - safe and happy travels and remember . . . . . LIFE'S A JOURNEY - ENJOY THE RIDE, HOWEVER BUMPY IT GETS!
Mum Roberts
Yoah!! Well it's 6.30 on Sunday morning - couldn't sleep after all those tears ;) Just found your blog (great job!). Will now follow you on your great adventure - enjoy and be safe. Love you both lots xxxxxx