Em had the best day ever on Sunday 14th as we went to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. They have 130 Northern and Southern Koala's at the centre plus lots of other animals such as Kangaroo's, Wombats, Tasmanian Devils and lots of birds. But the main attraction is without doubt the Koala's, and crikey what an attraction they are!
As we got there just after it opened so we could cram in the whole day, it was nice and quiet when we arrived. Em bless her couldn't wait to hug a koala so we went straight there to the area where you can hug them. On the way we saw a few of them in the trees fast asleep and oh man they are sooooo cute! You have to buy a photo from the park in order to have your photo took with them, but it was totally worth it and all the money goes to help koala conservation anyway. Em went first and they brought out 3yr old Donatella and she was gorgeous! Em held her for a good couple of minutes, doesn't sound long but the Koala's get stressed out very easily so they keep it short, but you could tell by the look on Em's face that she totally loved it!!!! Everyone always says they are cute but until you see one in real life you can't imagine how cute they are. Did we mention they are cute? Just like little balls of fluff. Or as Em says, like a cuddly toy but real, so you know she liked them!!!
Andy also held Donatella for a few mins too and thought it was awesome too! They do actually constantly change the Koala's with others every few people to keep them as stress free as possible but we think we got the cutest as you'll see from the photos we already put up.
After the Koala holding we walked round the rest of the park looking at all the different Koala's, most of which were asleep as they spend 20hrs a day asleep because they get so little nutrition from the eucalyptus leaves they eat. Still though they were amazing to see and because they're not in pens, but inside small little sections behind a high wall so you can see them easily but they can't get out, you get a real appreciation for the little beuts! Em successfully snapped over 270 photos during the day so thank god for digital cameras!!!!
Andy managed to drag Emma away from the Koala's long enough to go and see the Kangaroo's who are in a massive open paddock where you can hand feed them. Didn't expect it but the roo's are awesome as well! These ones were quite tame and very gentle so would eat out your hand and let you stroke them so it was a really cool experience
The next few days we just milled around Brisbane again, going to the botanical gardens doing some shopping, taking the city cat to different bits, just exploring basically. We also went for a walk on the "Riverwalk" which is a floating walkway all along the side of the Brisbane river and before we realized we'd walked 4km and ended up at New Farm near the gluten free bakery! Oh dam ;)
We then packed our stuff today and tomorrow we'll leave Brisbane on the train to go and pickup our camper van ready to start out travels for real!!!
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