Monday didn't exactly go to plan. Not a great start is it.....
Basically, we booked a half day Lord of the Rings tour at the visitors centre on Saturday and they were supposed to pick us up from our hotel at 8:25am this morning. Being the organized tykes we are, we were outside in the freezing cold waiting at 8:15am, but by 8:45 there was still no sign so we rang the visitor centre who confirmed we had the right day so they rang the tour company to check. Guess what? The frickin muppets at the tour company had booked us on the Sunday tour so they weren't coming for us even though both us and the visitor centre had the right details so we couldn't do the tour! No apologizes from the tour company, Wellington Rover. So basically our day for this was ruined. We emailed the tour company later that day but it took them 3 days to come back to us, and all they could say for themselves was (we screwed up, our fault, we don't like doing this as we don't get paid). f***ing t*** , not even an apology for ruining our day! ARGH!!!
Anyway, to try and salvage the day we caught the local bus to Wellington Zoo which was alright, but as the weather was so bad still the animals proved they had more intelligence than us and stayed inside. Hmmmmmm lots of cages.... OH YEAH! But we did get to see a really cute Red Panda which Em loved.
Thats about it for Monday, but before you get your hopes up, Tuesday didn't exactly go any better to start with!
We had arranged car hire for the rest of the holiday and part of this was a free pickup from our hotel to the car depot. You can see where this is going can't you.......
Yep, 30 mins later than the scheduled time and we were still stood outside in the rain with all the business people looking at us with the "weren't you here yesterday?" look on there faces as they walked past?? We rang the car company and they told us they had managed to confuse Holiday Inn with YHA so had gone to the wrong place. Yep they sound similar to us too you muppets! They told us they would be back in 10mins, but 20mins later and they still hadn't arrived so another call later and we were told he was coming back in 5 mins. 15 mins later he FINALLY arrived and we were on the way.
All would have been OK as we got the car, but lets just say this. Jeremy Clarkson rates the Nissan Sunny as the worst car ever made so take one frickin guess what our hire car is! A 1990 beat up heap of crap rattly as heck gearbox white thing with a Nissan Sunny badge on and the strangest dam smell ever inside. Oh its a bute! :)
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