My first entry to the blog - starting this now so it doesn't feel so wierd when I go off.
If anbody is reading this before I go than I'm sorry cus this is just a boring load of text. The Dayster is watching X Factor and I'm flaming bored so thought I'd put something down here about my trip.
Well it's still ten weeks before I go travelling. Something I've always wanted to do and been looking forward to it for the past 18 months. Still the nerves are beginning to kick in now. Thoughts of leaving my job (4 weeks to go), house, home town and family. Still you have to go sometimes to appreciate what you've got.
Nearly had a panic attack in ASDA today when they had no cheap crumpets. Had to buy expensive ones and it got me into a spin about money. Big Andy calmed me down by writing out the finances and thus showing me we were not going to starve when we go travelling becuase we had to spend extra on the crumpets.
Well the plan for our trip is that we fly off on the 1st Feb:-
Heathrow to Bangkok - spend around 3 months exploring South East Asia
Singapore - Perth - a month or so in Western Australia (everyone says West is best)
Perth - Darwin - spend four months travelling down the centre and up the East Coast to Cairns
Cairns - Auckland - spend 6 weeks have a gander around New Zealand
Christchurch - Fiji - Island hopping in the South Pacific!!!!!
Fiji - LA - a final party in the grand old US of A
Things still to do:-
Find tennant for the house
Get Thai and Australia visas
Have Rabies jabs
Buy clothes
Book a 1st nights accomodation in Bangkok
Leave work - how will I cope without girly chats!!!
Not much really.
Well thats it the first blog entry out the way. May update again before I go or the next entry maybe when I'm gone!
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