Even though it is weeks since we updated our blog we must try and put down in words how the dream so very nearly come to a devastating end for both of us.
We have had the best time over the last few weeks which is one of the reasons we have had no time to update you all, but we will try and update the blog at a later date to fill you in on what we have done since Sydney and arriving at our current location the Gold Coast
We were so excited to arrive at the Gold Coast for a week or two of tacky fun in the Blackpool of Australia, however last Tuesday things took a massive turn for the worst as we went to Movie World. We had purchased our tickets the evening before and had prepaid for a day in Wet n Wild, Sea world and Movie World, with a dinner show called the Australian Outback Spectacular. These were by no means the cheapest things we have bought so far but as we had been very careful with our money over the last few weeks we could just about manage it and as Andy is such a massive theme park fan, he loves a good roller coasters and nothing is more enjoyable than being tipped upside down at 80mph.
As morning broke we were up with the larks to make sure we were at the park early enough to get to the front of the queue and to make good use of the time we had available. We were lucky enough to be only 3 rows back from the main entrance and we headed of for a great day in the park, we had even decided to treat ourselves and eat there as well. Some 8 hours later we left the park with sore limbs and both suffering from headaches, we had had a great day until ….
Andrew was the first to notice the smashed window and our sick feeling increased as we moved closer. The scene was total destruction mixed with shear disbelieve. The few things we had left were strewn about the van, imagine taking your clothes, emptying the contents of your fridge over them, breaking some glass and chucking that on top, then to add insult to injury emptying a packet of washing powder on top of that. Words can't describe the scene as we stood for what seemed an age just staring at the nightmare that was just beginning.
That sick feeling increased as you know that some scum (no doubt druggies) have not only robbed us but left us feeling dirty, unsafe, upset and more. Andrew went to find a security guard whilst Andy opened the door to find what had gone. It is no exaggeration to say that nearly everything was. You name it we can say we don't have it anymore Our bags had been taken both main backpacks and hand luggage bags, the souvenirs from our trip so far, binoculars, mobile phone, phone chargers, ipods, our coats, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, a couple of holiday brochures for Fiji, a door stop, some playing cards from Las Vegas that I had given to Andy as a gift in 2003, a chain I was given for my 21st birthday, some socks and the list goes on. But by far the worst was that we had lost our laptop with six months of our photos on and the memory stick that had the photos backup on to had gone as well. The passports and driving licences, our flight tickets, our Australian visas had gone as well as they had searched the van from top to bottom, checking through books by shaking them and chucking them in the pile they were to leave. Our wash bags with all Andy 's contact lenses and spare glasses, Andrew's spare glasses and holder, a belt, a padlock, when we say we had nothing left except some clothes and the odd book you can see what we mean.
The security guards at Movie World were to put it polity rubbish. They had watched the three guys (b******s) and a woman (b**** of the first degree) hanging around our campervan, take our stuff and speed off in their car. They said that they couldn't read the number plates, give a description of what they looked like even though they had watched it happen. They advised us there is no CCTV cameras and it is in fact the local council and not Movie World who are responsible for the car park, so if we have any issues we need to speak to them.
They did advise us the break in happened at 1.20pm and they decided to call the motor home company who said we didn't have an Australian mobile just a UK one and gave them that number. It would seem Movie world aren't able to call an international number or it would seem put an announcement out over the tanoy as it wasn't till nearly 5pm when we had to find the mess for ourselves.
Trying to get over the shock so we could make a start with sorting the mess out we asked for the police to be called. The security guards claimed to of phoned the police but they were unable to respond as they were just too busy. Numb we drove back to the campsite and headed straight to reception, it was time for some action and we needed help. Our first problem was to find somewhere to sleep and to be able to access the internet as we needed numbers and we needed them fast. We booked a cabin so we had somewhere to sleep, borrowed pens and paper from them, as ours was stolen, got a stack of change for the phones and an internet card.
The shock had to wait and we were determined we could beat this our adrenaline levels must have been through the roof as we slocked away on the web and telephones through the night and into the next morning. With no sleep and nothing to eat we began to make a list of the things we had to do. We had called the banks to block our accounts and drove for what seemed ages to find the police station.
We reported the crime which seemed a complete waste of time as the officer we spoke to told us that even if they only had one break in a month they still wouldn't be able to get the stuff back (this has given us great confidence in the Australian Police force)
Disheartened we made our way back to the campsite. By this point Andy had regressed to a 5 year old needing his Mummy and Daddy! So a call to them to tell them what happened was next on the list.
Our next job was to track down the correct number for The British Embassy. Eventually Andrew who had spent the last 18 hours with a phone stuck to his ear spoke to someone really helpful at the Brisbane office. We were told the only way forward was to apply for brand new passports which would mean posting out identification requirements from the UK together with finding somebody in the UK we could post new passport photos to countersign. This clearly wasn't going to work as the timeframe we had to work to was to small. For some very strange reason they don't cancel your old passport until all the forms have been completed and sent to the passport office which just happens to be in New Zealand
By this point Andy was a nervous wreck and just wanted to fly back home on the next available flight. At that point it clicked we had lost the flight tickets as well and flying home without them or a passport unfortunately is just not possible!
We then had to go and take the campervan to be repaired. Luckily we found someone quite local to where we were to get the window replaced, another job done.
After a day of doom, gloom, dread and anger we phoned our parents with instructions on how to send us the documents we required.
Earlier in the day we had to move from the cabin we had checked into the night before as the builders wanted to do some work on the drive, so as a gesture of goodwill and to keep us going the caravan park gave us a spa studio for the night, which was great but we just couldn't appreciate it.
That night whilst the world was sleeping we both hit rock bottom, no sleep for 48 hours, no food, this was surly the end off our trip, two years of saving, our photos gone, what more could go wrong.
Not really knowing how we could sort the mess out with the passports let alone how to get new driving licences so we could drive in New Zealand and America. It was at this point the only way forward that we could see was to fall on the mercy of the local consulate office and have an emergency passport issues so we could book a flight and fly straight home.
It was then we got a voice mail from Andy 's mum saying she had contacted the DVLA and they had advised her there was a form you can fill in online to have a new driving licence issued. This was only applicable to Andy as he has a new type of passport and Andrew is still on the old paper type and there is no way they can issue one of those unless you are in the UK.
This small bit of news just gave us a bit of hope.
The next morning only 2 days since this nightmare had began we phoned our contact at the consulate office to plead insanity and say we needed to get home.
However our luck was turning and there was some more good news. We wouldn't need original documents - a fax copy from home would be ok and that we could countersign each other's photos as long as we went to the consulate office and our contact could see us.
So we made an appointment to go to the Brisbane consulate office on the Monday. This really helped our mood as we were starting to see a way of fighting back and getting things sorted.
We had by this time completely scrubbed the van and washed all the clothes, pot, pans etc that we had left as everything smelt dirty, the van had taken on a new smell and no matter how much we seemed to wash we couldn't get clean.
However it must be stated that we couldn't of found the strength to carry on without Andy B's parents allowing us to pay for things on the credit card and them paying for them until we can get the claim with our travel insurance sorted out. My love and gratitude to my Mum and Dad can hardly be put into words - so thanks Mum and Dad.
Another problem had risen it's ugly head and this time it was from Qantas, in our phone calls to them they had failed to point out that the flights that we had changed back in March had not actually been changed and we also needed to go and see them in Brisbane also to prove we had paid the admin fee, thankfully that was one bit of paper the thieves decided to leave behind.
Well Monday finally arrived we had started eating again and sleep was becoming a little easier for us both. We travelled up to Brisbane and sent off our application's for new passports. These as you know have to go to New Zealand to be processed and will take about 4 weeks to be sent back to us.
We called into the Qantas airlines office proved we had paid and they got that problem solved so at least we can get on the flight.
The only other thing left to do is when we have our new passports go to Australian Immigration to get our visa's transferred to our new passports, which we can't do until we reach Cairns sometime mid to late September. Thankfully we had another stroke of luck as the park we had picked to stay in are another group of people on our side and they have kindly agreed to accept the passports for us so they don't have to be sent to England first and also Andy's new licence which has been processed by the DVLA and is now ready to also make it's way to Cairns.
After going through every emotion known to mankind I decided it was maybe time to try and get back at this scum and if possible try and get some of our stuff back and if there is any justice in the world Movie World might be forced to do something about their joke of a security company. With those thoughts in mind I hit the phones once more but this time I was after a go get em newspaper who would carry are story and not run away at the problems they may face from a company as big as the owners of Movie World. After a very long interview with the journalist and photographer they decided they would run the story which to this date we are still waiting to go into the paper, but fingers crossed it will happen and we may still get some justice.
So in short our stay in The Gold Coast has been a living hell and we are hoping to be able to put some of it behind us when we leave on Wednesday. On a negative I think we can both say that the police and security have both been a bit of a joke and I could write so much more about how they should be acting but I don't really want to waste my time. To end on a positive there seems to be so many people to thank, so a massive thank you for the messages of support we have had, thanks also to both our parents who have been great. Thanks also to everyone at Treasure Island Resort for there understanding and putting up with my 20 visit's a day asking for this thing or the other.
God willing our passports and Mum (Baker) willing, Andy's driving licence will get to Cairns in good time ready for us to collect as soon as we get there.
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