Great to see all your photos. Wish we were there! Andrew hope you enjoyed the football, it looks great. Have a relaxing time on your desert island!!! All is well at home.
Love Mum
Grandad E
Guess who?
We've been looking at your photos-wish we were there with you both, except we haven't got the money!
What about the football match, was it good? I bet it wasn't as good as Chelsea!
Speak to you again soon
The Passfield Crew
Have just read yesterdays message to James whose only comment was "It's one of those wish you were there moments!" I think it was the sound of Brazialian football not the bikinis!!
Glad you are enjoying yourselves. Hugs to you both
Sue xxxx
Thomas George
I just want to wish you both a fantastic time and cant wait to see lots of fab piccies on blog! Mummy and daddy are both well and send you lots of love too x
Take care and look after each other
lots of love from Thomas George X
Hi you two,
Glad to hear you got there safe and sound. Having fun already! Very jealous here in cloudy Hay. Will keep looking as you keep travelling!
xxx B
Baby Brother
Hey Guys,
Hope your both ok and having fun! Hope Rio is nice. We're all missing you both here. Enjoy yourselves speak to you both soon lots of love David! xxxxxxx
Tigger & Steve
Hey you guys! Can't believe you've finally left for Rio and beyond.
We wish you a fabulous trip around the world and can't wait to see your photos and blog. Make the most of every minute; wish we were doing it all over again you lucky things.
Look out for those Havainas...
Keep in touch
Lots of love
Tigger & Steve xxxx
PS We are still airing and drying out our tent!
Sue And Dave
So you have actually gone! Enjoyed your several leaving BBQ's and the trip to Hay Festival. Lovely to see you both yesterday morning before you left, hope the flight was good and you are begining to settle in and find your bearings.Looking forward to seeing your photos and hearing how you are getting on.
Take care.
Sue and Dave xx
Mum And Dad
Have a great time , we will be thinking about you both ,enjoy every minute, and we are sure you will bring back lots of memories.and photos
We had a great picnic yesterday and will look forward to do the same next year .We will keep in touch with Sarah's family
Take care ,Keep safe and look after each other and keep in touch regulaly
all our love xxxxxxxx
Sue Hayden
Hi Sarah & Andrew
Lovely to see you today - have a great time, enjoy and look after yourselves whilst you are away. Chris, Gemma and Phil send their love to you.
Will see you in a year - I hope it doesn't go too quick
Sue, Phil, Chris & Gemma xxxxx
Sue, Mark, Katie And James
Nearly there now, only a couple more good byes!!
Have a really great time, we will be watching this web page with great excitement. Take really good care of yourselves and each other.
Andrew, I'll keep an eye on your mother!!
Thanks for coming down last weekend-very much appreciated by us all.
with love Sue xxxx
Alex & James
Found your website thingy!! horray!!!
Had a wicked time last night, just a shame it takes a year for you to go away to actually meet up!! Will have to make better effort next year!!!! LOL!!!
Well................... have a super fun time and look after yourselves, and I'll keep leaving these for you, so you don't get home sick too much!!!!!
Be good, experience everything and take really good care of yourselves!!!!
Load & loads of love
Alex & James .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx