It is all very clever. The reason for the late contact from me is that i completely forgot you were doing this site, but i am kind of glad cos it gave me loads to look at at once!
Looks like you are having a great time. The match looked great and wouldnt mind seeing somethin similar sometime. Andrew, did Romario really play!!!??? LEGEND. All the pics and info are brilliant. Cant believe you are finding the time to put it all on here though as it looks a little non stop so far. Oh, and for the record, climbing the big rock looked like it must have been the highlight so far and you know all the boys who see that pic wish they couldve done it!
Dont believe everyone saying that it is rubbish in the UK at the min though, it is in fact amazing. The rain is intermitent and reassuring, the weekends just seem to go on forever and work flies by due it being a never ending spiral of fun! (workin 9 til 5, what a way to make a livin...) Bet you wish you were here really dont you!!!???
Will tell Vicki to look at the site as i think she has prob forgotten about it like i did.
See you in 12 months,
The Passfield Crew
Hi, looks fantastic, the food, the weather and especially the beach
Andrew, Mark wants to know how we can get your message so qiuck from there but his web page isn't working!!
Just ignore the miserable old git....(We do....)
Anyway take care of yourselves and keep the news coming through-we really enjoy reading and seeing what you're up to.
Love and hugs to you both.
Auntie Sue xxxx
Hi there,
Poor Sarah ,andrew you moan on a trip to Grans only 5 hours , how much moaning did you do in all that time , Are we nearly there yet?,was your well used saying.
Your blog and photos are fantatic , the beaches look out of this world
You always climb up big rocks .but that looked scarey !!(worried mum)
Your meal did not look as if you are on a budget , better than our tea not that I am jealous
Keep in touch hugs and kisses
love mumx xxxxxxx
Sue Gilbert
Hi Sarah and Andrew. What a long journey you had - guess you have to have a bit of pain for all that gain! Your photos are great and the seafood looked lovely, I wonder if deep fried guinea pig will come up to the same standard! Right, to the serious stuff - is it time for Dave and me to fly out and take your place yet? Seriously though enjoy yourselves, look after yourselves, take care of yourselves and keep on sending the blogs and photos when you get time, at this rate we are "chatting" even more than when you were just down the road!
Love Sue and Dave xxxxx (and yes it's still raining!)
Fulvius Fernandes
Hey Andrew and Sarah,
Just read your blog and seen the photo's of rio, how fantastic!!!!! In Goa we too have a Vasco team and they never did well, love the pic of you two with Christ the redeemer AKA JC!!! Looks like your having a great time. Think Rio will definatley be on my list of places to go before I go back to Goa. Keep the Blog going and the photos updated. This site is such a great idea.
Sue Hayden
Hi Sarah & Andrew - Hope you are both fine, photos are great and blogs really informative. It sound like you have had a great time relaxing on the islane, it sounds fantastic - can't wait to see the photos from there. I am keeping mum (nana) informed by printing off your blogs for her and hopefully soon she will see all the photos to date. Gemma and Chris are following your travels and Gemma has told them all at school about your trip and also showing them where you are visiting. Hope you have got your tan topped up Sarah!! Enjoy the next part of your journey - keep safe. Nana sends her love to you both xxxxxxx
Love from Sue, Phil, Chris & Gemma
Hi Guys
It's only been 10 days and it looks like you have done so much already! You chuffing deserve it after all the time you have spent gearing up for your trip. You are the luckiest Mothers around - it looks absolutely awesome. It has rained here contantly since you left and the UK is an extremely unpleasant place to be at the moment, you'll be pleased to hear. Keep us updated with your travels - and take care!
Love Goose xx
Steve And Lyns
Guys, you have to come back home now. I can't take a whole year of being ridiculously jealous of you both!!!!
I can't believe you got to see the big derby game! That must have been amazing.
I'm just glad that the ladies on the beach were no match for you Koogs. That would not have been a good start to the year......
Take care guys, watch out for those havaianas!
Green eyed Steve and Lyns XXX
PS. The site is quality now! x
Hi Sarah and Andrew, photos are great and blog very informative, 10/10 for typing loads of information. Takes me back to my geography lessons (studied some South American countries including Brazil for 'O' Level ....oops showing my age!) and remember now that I always fancied a visit there so you are being a bit inspirational to me at the moment as all the culture is flooding back. Maybe one day. Also enjoy reading the message board. Dave and I are following your journey with interest so keep on sending the information through, enjoy yourselves and keep safe. Oh yes, don't worry about us all back here keeping the wheels of industry going whilst some people just take off around the world to enjoy themselves.....................
Sue xx
Your time in Rio looks and sounds great - even on a rainy Hay day! Hope you had a luvly time on your own desert island. Hot news here Sarah, Des has been awarded an MBE by the Queen in her Birthday Honours list. He is like a dog with two tails! He can take 3 people we have nominated ourselve, we'll arm wrestle Joan & Shaan. He wanted me to let you know, cos he knew before you left, but was sworn to secrecy. Everything else goes on the same, everyone sends their luv, miss you. Chris says hope the thong didn't chaff too much Sarah (tho maybe Andrew too!), keep sunbathing and keep doing the blogs and downloading the piccies when you get a chance.
lots of luv, Berni
Hello Nobby. Look at me, I have got involved on your website so you can stop pestering me to do so now. Rio looks f***ing spectacular mate. Sorry, should probably hold off the swearing as there are parents around! Ha ha. Send us a postcard you ginger monkey
hi there, your photos are fantastic,I am very envious.everyone in the office is sharing in your trip as frank show eveyone the updates .Dad id back from the USA , catherine has gone on hols , David is out and about , so all is well