Hi everyone,
Jsut arrived in sao paulo bus station after a six hour bus ride from Paraty. Just a two hour pit stop then a twelve hour monster bus journey to Florionopolis so that Dooney can meet all his surfing friends - appearantly he has had a minor falling out with kelly Slater that he wants to put right...
Paraty was nice little spot - we got took a bus out to one of the nearby beaches the day before yesterday and lounged around in the sun, doing very little really. The town itself is has an histoical centre - which seems to simply mean that the buildings are old as opposed to having any interesting history behind the place..Some nice shops and nice restuarants all steadily aimed at tourists and their deep pockets. Yesterday we went on a 20km bike ride - yes your eyes do not deceive you folks and even more astonishongly i suggested it! Very enjoyable nothwithstanding the heat - can report that i left old lady dooney for dust and scrambling for air on a few hilly occassions (he claims he was dehydrated). Stopped off at a few beaches along the way to give dooners a breather then it was back to the the old town to have dinner with an italian couple we met.
Weather very hot and humid- pretty nice during the day but very stormy at night. Day time temperatures in the mid 30´s , so very hot but thats all ill say about that given i am advised by the irish contingent that even the slightest whinge over hot weather will not be entertained.
So yeah, off to get on the bus now - dooney will write the next blog from floripa and hopefully will get some photos of the surf competition.
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