This is our last day in Kirra ... So sad!
Here are some things we have learned about Australia and the people that live here, in no particular order of importance:
* they are self-sufficient
* we have heard no Canadian news since we've been here
* but they love Canadians!?!
* they are certainly not as influenced by the US as we are
* most are very friendly and helpful
* their dollar is worth more then ours
* storms come and go in a blink
* they are generally concerned about their fitness & their children's fitness
* population is over 22 million
* they drive on the left hand side of the road (actually, always knew that)
* the fine for not wearing a bike helmet is $30
* every now and then you are beer attacked, that's according to Grant ..
* everything is more expensive here than at home
* you are not expected to tip..Seriously ..that makes up for things being so expensive
* the ocean is warm
* east Asia is their major trading partner, well not really, but very big
* 70% of the people live in 10 of the cities
* temperatures over 40C are not uncommon
* they have more exotic plants & animals then we have ever seen
* Nippers are young surfers
* they have Toilets here, not restrooms or washrooms ..
* it is the flattest & driest continent on earth
* it has one of the best economies in the world
* Jan 26 is Australia Day
* Australia Advance Fair is the national anthem not Waltzing Matilda .. Who knew
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