Hi Lesley, Thanks for the message, but I'm afraid I will have to disagree with you about fruit picking being fun! Oh my god now I know how hard I'm gonna have to work when I run out of money and how little I get paid for it compared to working in Brisbane I'm gonna be soooooo careful with my money! Monday I was supoosed to be weeding which I did for 2 1/2 hrs in the blistering heat then we had a short break and was informed that we were picking ZUCCINIS!! Vic had told me girls did not have to do it, well! It was absolutely herrendous! I was weating like a pig being scratched everywhere from the pricky leaves and I'm completely b*****ed my back! Once you fill a bucket it weighs about 10kilos so not really for girls! It was paid by the bucket too and as there wern'ty that many big zuccinis I managed 9 buckets in 3 hours! and you get $2.20 per bucket!! so I earned $19.80 for 3 hrs of HELL!! really not worth the effort I can tell you thats not even 8 quid! Never again! I told the lady who sorts work out I couldn't do and she was surprised we had too as he hired girls to to weeding and shouldn't of had to pick zuccinis. So yest I was excited to be in a greenhouse thought that I would be doing some planting or something enjoyable well!! How wrong was I 7 1/2hrs of hell again! Bent over the whole time trying to rip out basil roots which were extramely overgrown while the boys did sweeping!! The worst day of my life, I told the lady not to put my on the work list as I'm only here for 2day and 2moro and I don't actually need the money that bad if I did then I would do it but I can't actually bend my back at the mo so couldn't do it anyway! Oh my god I pictured hopping through orchids picking tomatoes or oranges!! Thats what some people have but I was just unlucky hopefully nest time I'll get something a bit more bearable! So I'm relaxing today and tomrrow is my BDAY!! YEY! I'm not gonna be doing anything much as Vic has to work but I'm gonna pretend my bday Friday as we're off to Rainbow beach where apparently the sand is all the colours of the rainbow hence the name! and then onto Hervey bay whre we're gonna go whale watching! Anyway I"m so glad Stephs feeing better and Lottie is ok. You must get some pics and send them to us! (Oh Vic's just told me you have I'll have to look at them) Thank you for my card I haven't opened yet so I'll ring you 2moro to thank you! Ok Mummy Lesley better go say hi to everyone for me, miss you all lots of love Lou Lou xx p.s glad you like the new hair do I was very worried as I've always had long hair! xx p.s Vic says thanks for the pics he's got them xx
Rodeo Ridin Rita (Aka Amy!!)
Elo guys and gals, How you all doin? Hope your all well. Congartulations John and Steph, and what a pretty name youve chose too. I spoke to Lou and she told me bout hers and vic's day of zuccini picking! I feel for you guy's especially in that heat it must be tough. I'm sure you'l get sumin easier soon enough but not long till your trip up the coast so keep your mind on that. Anyway's not long till you turn 22 little Lou!!! Thursday is creeping up quick eh? Well i'm still in dust county (Longreach!!) and i'm finally starting to settle in. Its weird i feel as though i've only been here a week bit its gettin on and i'm already into my third week! I feel a little sad as my camera has taken a turn and decided to pack up on me so i'm gonna have to get a throw away one whilst i'm here, so bare with me and pic's will be a comin i promise. I have been mainly working nights as they are less busy (well thats wat i thought) untill sunday night came and i was on my own behind the bar and like my first night people started to pour in! I couldn't understand it it was a sunday night why would 200000 million people wanna come and harrass me for drinks!? I was then asked to put the t.v on to the sports cahnnel and to my horror realsied that it was the Rugby everyone had come to see! A team from queensland vs a team from sydney! Imagine the cross pub on an England match night then imagine me behind a bar trying to serve drinks to 200000 million pissed rugby fans!!! just my luck eh? Anyway its all in the experience i spose!!!!! Well i'm in the kitchen today and just popped over the road on my break so better be heading back. Take care and will be in touch again soon. All my love Amy. xxx
hi glad you arrived safely lou. Like the new hair do! Glad to hear your new job is better vic. Lou now you know what an honest days work is!!!!!!!! Fruit picking really isn`t that hard........and lots of fun. I used to really enjoy it when i was a kid.I have Elijah from 8 in the morning tommorrow, Steph is going in to see to Lottie and will pick himback up mid morning. She had to come home today and was not very happy to leave Lottie but pleased to be back home. Cement lorry has 3 jobs to do, things are picking up and more for later in the week.
Will speak to you about the web cam hopefully Jesse will sort it all out. luv mum
Lou & Vic
Hi everyone, check our new album we've just put on! there in a bit of a funny order at the mo though, but we're sort that out later in the week. Thanks for your lovely message Aunty Jane, thank you I will try and have a good bday may be fruit picking though but after Thursday me & Vic will be starting our east coast tour which includes loads of amazing things so I will just look forward to that and maybe pretend my bday is Fri instead. The hostel is better now Vic has moved into my room and the stench has gone! So I'm more settled now it was just hard getting into the whole culture of backpacker which basically means roughing it!! Anyway must go been in here hrs doing the new pics, but promise will keep in touch! Love to all of you Love Louise xxx. P.s Thanks Ric for your encouragement I hope the fruit picking is bearable and I promise to reply to you email soon xx
Aunty Jane,uncle Pat, Ross And Katie
Hi Louise, Glad to hear that you have arrived safely and are with Victor even be it in a stinky dorm on your own at the moment!!!! Also glad to hear Victor has things sorted with the fruit picking. It sounded really nasty but suppose you put it down to another experience of life! Wont't be long now and you will be both be on another nice trip and then you will be meeting up with your Grandma, Aunty, Uncie and Cousins - how exciting. Anyway this is just a short note to wish you both well and I will be in touch soon Louise and have a superb birthday. All our Fondest Love to You Both. Aunty Jane, Uncle Pat, Ross and Katie xxxx
Ricky C
charlton-2 spurs-3, we were 2-0 down, king, mido and keane, were joint 2nd in the league now, sweet! hope your all ok, good luck with the fruit picking lou, dont go pissing off any farmers, love rich x x x
Lou And Vic
hi again,im hapy 2 say that the situation with the c@#t of a farmer has worked well in my favour.im still doing the zuccinis but i get paid by the bucket instead now and i get longer breaks and the people are much nicer. im makin more money in less hours.and I don't ache nearly as much now as my body must be getting used to the work.sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! lou arrived last night.we were supposed to have a double bed but weve been put in seperate rooms 4 2 nights,i got an earfull.we're working up till thurs( lous b day ) then i'll have earnt enough to afford a 17 day tour which does to many things to list(wait 4 the photos) time to have some fun again! then its a little more work b4 we see lous rellys in melbourne and see OASIS! fanx 4 all the support mum n ric.things are sweet now.p.s no matter how many times i tell them the damb japs and koreans still call me bictor! Hello this is Lou now, so I've finished work in Brisbane and I have to say after going to work Yest with a hangover then travelling 7 hrs to Bundaberg I wasn't the happiest chappy when told that I was going to get stuck in a disgusting stinky dorm without Vic for 2 nights!! After he was supposed to sort it out! It's hard to get back into the whole backpackers type of living as I haven't had to really do it since Fiji! But things are starting to look up as me and Vic are gonna start this amazing east coast adventure at the end of next week and I can't bloody wait! I can't really say that I'm looking forward to fruit picking next week either after the storys I've heard from Vic but I have to give it a go! Anyway love to you all, miss ya loads of love Lou & Vic xxx
I know the farmer is lying vic. you always get up for work on time even when your lazy bros are still in bed!!!. And do a good days work. Hope you work things out. Lotti is doing really well. She is now in an open cot like Elijah and feeding well. They have been able to dress her for the last couple of days, as some of the wires have gone.We have Elijah for the day tommorrow, he is so funny when he tries to copy what you are doing. I am now heading to t/wells to do the shopping. mum
Ricky C
alrite vic, u need 2 start kicking some arse mate, 1st, u punch the other 2 guys 4 not sticking up 4u the lazy foreign t**ts. 2nd, go find that stupid aussie farmer and shove 1 off those zukkinis or what ever there called where the sun dont shine! if they start getting violent dont hesitate in ringing louise, i mean me, and i'll b on a plane dude. other than that i hope all is well, just turn on the charm with the lady who dishes out the jobs, fingers crossed something will work out, dont take it 2 far if shes an old wrinkly though mate, i no u havent got much standards but its only a job hey! take care dude, love ya, rich x x x
Ah Vic, poor you! Sorry to say I did have to chuckle at your story tho. Maybe you should stick to the pole dancing!
hello citizens of earth,things have taken a funny turn 4 me here in oz. i was working my nuts off on the zukkini farm mon tues,and wednesday,when i did 10 bloody hours!!!!!!! but last night i found out id got the sack by the farmer.he found the hostel and told them he'd never seen anything like it,i showed no team work wotso ever and i desarved to get my head punched in(the farmers exact words) he said if he was 1 of the guys i was working with he would have punched my lights out.funny thing is,i was getting pissed off with the other guys coz they were going so slow and i wanted to finish.i work much harder then the 2 others i was working with.it takes about half an hour to pick 1 row and i counted that i did 4 more then another guy i was working with(the guy who the farmer thought should have punched me) 1 guy is out on the piss every night and comes 2 work with a hangover everyday and i always helped him out if he was behind or vice versa.i think 2 be honest the farmer is racist towards poms.he never spoke 2 me,only the other 2 guys,1 korean,1 dutch. he would blame me if he thought some1 wasnt picking enough zukkinis and was generaly a rude c@#t 2 me. so the dutch guy got to choose another more easy job.the korean is still at the farm,and iv been taken off the work roster at the hostel coz they think im a useless b******.so now i have to convince the lady who sorts the jobs out,that i didnt do anything wrong and that im not useless.its actually realy upset me and i feel like going to the farm and punching his lights out.so iv got a v.sore back,my legs ache to b*****y and my feet are so sore i can hardly walk.oh, and no job now.victor is very very angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ricky C
hey guys, hope your all doing ok since you've been seperated, i no the girls will be finding it hard not having vic there 2cook and clean 4 them all the time but im sure there b fine.i heard u thought u trod on a snake vic and ran round the field screaming, dont blame u mate i'da done the same, did make me laugh thinking about it though. as your mums already told u, were 4th in the league now (above arsenal) so its all good. not sure about your spelling though lesley, tottingham? its tottenham, u should no that, they r your favourite team! anyway guys take care i'll speak 2 u soon love rich x x x