Hi Louise, Thank you for your e.mail today. Glad you received ours. This is just to wish you all good luck with future plans. Amy with her exciting but a little scary trip to the outback! Take care and we hope your have a fun and enjoyable time. Victor with his fruit picking - watch that sun! and Louise hope everything goes well in your new abode during the next couple of weeks. Louise I will reply to your e.mail soon and keep in touch as we love hearing from you.
All our very Fondest love
Aunty Jane, Uncle Pat, Ross and Katie xxxxxx
Hi Amy by the time you get this you will be hopefully in your new abode!. I think I have travelled with you through every minute of the 17 hours you have done today and I know I wasn't alone. I can't wait until the day when you are happily settled with children so you know what us mothers go through!!!. ( Not just yet though....please!!!) Any way, we would all love to hear how you are getting on, remember it is only for 8 weeks, and you may make so many friends that you do not want to leave!!. Make the most of every situation, and always say NO if in doubt.......... your mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To Louise and Victor, you too will be going through mixed emotions, and we wish you both well in the next few weeks, its good that Louise has got somewhere to stay and company, and I'm sure Victor you will be champion at picking fruit, getting a nice tan at the same time, make sure to cover up though!. All the best to you all, and we are all very proud of you all for making the most of this fantastic trip. Sandiexxxxxxx
hi amz, just been readin the post cards and see your off on your own, good for you i bet you will have a fantastic time and hopefully make loads of friends, so workin in a hotel eh? will you be working in the bar area so you get a chance to test your pint pulling skills??? Hope you had a great birthday hun we all missed you back here. So you will be in Sydney for new year you lucky devils, wish i was there that was one of my best ever new years in oz, I'm off to Dublin for new year again cos me and sarah had such a fantastic time last year and that's about as far as we can afford!!! hehe
Anyway amz keep in touch will try and give you a call next week as i get paid and would love to hear how you are gettin on, take care hun, loads love mich xx
Hi Cakes. I know your on your grueling coach trek as I type but I just wanted to say well done for doing this on your own I know it wasn't an easy decision to make and I think you're very brave for doing it. We're very proud of you! Just you be careful though and no wondering off with strange bush tucker men!! I hope it all goes well nd hope you have lots of fun. Miss you loads. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Freya! It's so nice to hear from you! What have you been up to? I know about there being another temp, I rang tracy today, as it was her bday, she told me, what can I say eh? I was the best receptionist! he he only joking. How are you and Rob? I'm splitting from Vic and Amy! As I'm gonna be staying here in Brisbane for another couple of weeks to finish my contract beofre heading up the coast, Vic and Amy haven't managed to find work so are moving on elsewhere, I'll be meeting up with Vic in 2 weeks where he'll be fruit picking. I've made a really good friend at work and she has offered for me to stay with her and her fioncee, so I should be fine, she's even invited me to her wedding in Sydney next Feb! How nice is that? I've never been to a wedding before! Only receptions so I'm excited! Anyway Babe, I better go I'm at work too, send me a msg soon as I miss you heaps! Love ya xxx
Hello Hun, Can't write much as there are eyes about. Just wanted to say hi and let you know that i'm still missin ya loads! We have yet again another temp on reception, and EDF is still very much the same! When i get longer will send you a better message. Take Care of yourself hun XXX
Hi Everyone, Just to let you know I've added a new postcard, to give you an update on our plans, as I'm moving in with my work friend Nat for the next couple of weeks, whilst Vic and Amy are leaving me!! It's all quite scary but a really good experience. Love to you all, keep in touch! Love Lou Lou xxx
We all think you are very brave moving off by your self, we are all thinking of you and wish you well. Make sure that you look after yourself, Make sure that you consider every option before you commit to anything. All the families wish you well, lots of love and enjoyment.
mum.......................................if in doubt say NO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi y'all, hope everyone is ok, I just want to say thak you to everyone who has sent me txt's, cards and prezzies it was a really nice thought and really appreciated, so thank you. Well its all go for us travelling buddies this week! i am off into the outback to work at a hotel doing bar work for a local family, apparently its in the middle of nowhere and i'm really sad bout leaving the guys but think its something i need to do whilst i'm here so hopefully it will be well worth it! (even if i am living amongst all the deadly spiders/snakes etc.....) I have no idea wether this place has an internet place or even if there is signal for my phone so if you dont hear from me for a while you know its not me being rude its coz i'm in the desert with the dingo's and kanga's! he he Anyway i am now 23 and am big enough and certanly old enough to look after myself for a month or two eh? Will look forward to puttin all my pics on the site again before xmas and in thye meantime i'm gonna love you and leave you. LOVE YOU ALL AMZ XXXXXXXX
Munty And Sandie And Aaron
Hi Amy, Happy Birthday. Have a great day, and look forward to the rest of your trip - wherever you go next?. Mum xxxxxxxx Munty and Aaronxxxx.
Lou Lou
Hey Peewee! Your such a scallywag he he when are you gonna settle down eh? Only joking enjoy yourself thats what lifes for. What do you mean it's a pity I'm not in Blighty, it's brilliant! Whenever anyone gives me stick here for being a pommie, I just reply with two words Rugby and Cricket! That normally shuts them up! he he. Glad you and Hells had a good time, I went to the gold coast last Sat, it's lovely there. Thanks for the offer in Melbourne Peewee, but I've got rellies there who I have only met 10 years ago and am spending xmas with them, so that should be good, My nan lives there too, so I'm quite excited to meet her again.
Anyway thanks for keeping in touch, it's so nice to hear from you, take care, Love Lou Lou xx
Hi again Lou-Lou, cheers for your reply. Glad your still having a ripper time. Pity whilst your away were murdering the aussi's at cricket back here in dear old blighty! I know what you mean about EDF, but I suppose my job gives me a tad more variety.I forgot to say last time that I met a really nice couple from the gold coast down there in Aus when hells and I were in Borneo. They have invited me to go to Aus and stay with them next year and I intend to go.My old mate Rob was in Melborne but he's back with us now. Ive got relli's there so if your passing tell me and you could go and stay.They live on the beach!Just got chatting to another girlie from Stevenage, so Im off up there soon.Your only young once!! lol
Anyway kid, I will say bye for now, loads of love, Peewee xxx