Hey everyone, hope everyones well and good? We have just added some new pics of our amazing whalw watching trip and added a postcard so check them out!! We're loving it up here in Cannes it's so hot and there's so much to do so we're gonna be here for another week and a half! Keep in touch! Love ya Lou & Vic xxx p.s good pics Amz! Careful of the sun you looked burnt!
Coyote Peach Blossom (Aka Amy)
Howdy doody - Just a quikie to thank you all for my lovely emails/messages glad to hear everyones well and to also inform all you guy's & gal's and especially mum who would like some more pics i've managed to get up of my ass and put some more on!! woo hoo. My camera is now back up and running after the bumps and biffs it recieved in Vegas!! think it needed a good ol rest! Anyhow's i'm still enjoying my outback experience and am planning on going to the races with my friends nxt wk and at beggining of dec am going to a rodeo!! yee ha. Dad i have recieved your cd's and have been taking them everywhere with me makin everone listen to them!! I can't tell you how much they're into country music so am pursauding them to put you on the jukebox!! Just remember when your famous out here i want 50% he he he. To Lou firstly congrats bout the kareoke just as long as there are no dvd's this time you know the deal with the Vegas one!!! he he !! I'm glad you are both having a gud time but like everyone else am worried bout those sharks please be careful, Hopefully will spk again this wkend. I must be off as time is money and have to start work in a bit so cheery bye for now. Love to you all. xxxxx
Hello Louise x just a little note to say hope you are ok! Nice to see some pictures! Hope Vic is ok too! I'm going to try and call you over the weekend if not it be in the week sometime! Catch up on everything! Speak to you soon! x Hope Amy is well too! x
Lou & Vic
Hi Everyone, thanks for you msgs, firstly you'll be pleased to know Vic only 2 days ago wrote out a handful of postcards and so did Lou so keep a look out in the mail!! We have just got back to mainland today after spending a week on the beautiful relaxing Magnetic island and are currently heading up to Mission beach on the Greyhound coach. Don't worry Dad we won't be risking swimming againb afetr seeing the news the other night where people were catchinhg great white sharks from the beach!!! within mins proving that they do come into shallow waters!! tHE BAECH DID HAVE A NET UP THOUGH SO DON'T WORRY! our times literally running out now so keep in toch love ya!! xxxx
Hi to you all. Thanks for your post card Amy, at least you have remembered to put pen to paper. Vic keeps promising a post card but never sends one!!!!!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying life in the outback.
Lottie will be coming home on Saturday morning. She should weigh in then at about 41/2 lbs. We have only had one cuddle so far, so will be looking forward to giving her a big hug.We shall miss not having Elijah here though, he has been great fun and so funny. Friday night is Anaisa`s turn to be babysat. Went to the TV awards last night as usual, came within touching distance of Simon Cowell,Jules from Eastenders,Billy Mitchell etc. I actually held the door for Fiona Bruce to get out the Ladies!! Work is really busy, the boys keep saying you need to pack in all this galavanting and come home, they need you. Yes they are missing you. Love mum & dad
Hi Amz, Lou and Vic, Firstly, Amy so glad to see a picture of you! I was begining to wonder what you looked like!.Grandad and Nanny were so happy to hear from you. So you have all completed your 6 months and are on the last legg of your journey. Lou and Vic, the pictures are wonderful, you are in paradise, I agree with your Mum and Dad though, no more midnight swimming with the sharks.
Speak soon. Mumx
Roger T
Hello Lou & Vic. Great pics on the site - takes a long time to load though - might help if you save them on your camera as the small size????
Looks like you are both having a brilliant time on youe east coast journey - just one thing though... are you MAD, MAD, MAD, swimming in the ocean at night? especially when pie-eyed............. haven't you seen JAWS??????
Luv, Mum & Dad xxxxxxxxxx
Roger T
Hello people - well Di & I are now back in the grey skies and rain (only for a few weeks though and then we are off again - hooray).
Amy dear, thanks a lot for the postcard, it really made us smile when we read it. Looks like you are having a great time and managing to save some dosh. Sounds like Longreach is quite a friendly place - it reminds us of a place we went to in the Little Desert called Dimbola, where there were wooden sidewalks and you expected to see Clint Eastwood walking down the street!!!. Take care. Lots of love.
Lou Lou
Hey Everyone, I'm sorry that Vic & I haven't been in touch much we've been on Magnetic Island since last Thursday and have no signal! We are living with a lovely German Family at the mo helping with work around the house for 4 hrs a day and in return we get 4 lovely meals a day!! And to stay in a luxery separate part of the house just for us with our own kitchen, bathroom sitting area and bedroom and garden! It's so nice to just relax and chill on the gorgeus beaches here and not have to be on the move everyday and we can actually unpack!! It's sooo hard living out a bag constantly! My time is about to run out so When we get back to mainland we will be in touch again as the internet is really expensive on the island and I have no signal. I hope you had a great time Mum & Dad? I'll call you soon! Pics look wicked Amz I will call you too as soon as I can! Oh and I won a Kareoke Comp Last Sat nite and got free drinks all night it was well funny!! I got so drunk and Vic me and our two friends Rhi & Barrie went swimming in the sea at 3am! in a storm too! Anyway must go love to everyone, love Lou & Vic xxx p.s more pics soon!!
Rodeo Rita (Amz)
Well hello there!! I have finally managed to get a day off!! woo hoo. SOOOOOO if you have a looky look in photo albums i have finally put some pics on!!!!!! yey. I am really gettin on gug here have saved a fair bit of cash and am really feeling settled i sorta feel like part of the family and am being looked after really well so all is good! The time is really flying by here which is gud as i'm itching to follow in Lou and Vic's footseps and go to all these amazing beaches!(pic's look gr8 guys) I havn't managed to have any roo riding lessons yet roger but am sure i will become pro before my time in Longreach is up!! I have however been offered to go watch a Rodeo and then next sunday venture out into the REAL bush and go sheap shearing + pig and roo shooting!!!!! sounds nasty but could be fun! Anyway's i'm just about to be kicked out of library its almost closing time so better be off. Love to you all miss you loads. Will be in touch again soon but in the meantime check out pic's! x
Roger T
Hello Lou, Vic & Amy, sorry not to have been on this site for a while - Di and I have been in the sunny Algarve for the last 5 weeks and have been reading the messages but not leaving any. Good to hear Amy that you are getting on OK in the outback - can you ride a Kangaroo yet?????.
Lou/Vic, you trip sounds great - more experiences to add to the list.
We will probably be on here a bit more often soon as we return to the grey UK skies and rain this weekend.
Love ya all - ta care. Luvb Rog & Di xxxxx
Lou & Vic
Hi Everyone, Thanks Sandie, Vic & I are currently on Magnetic Island, which is absolutely beautiful! We are keeping an eye out for work so who knows! This is just a really quick msg as I don't have any time left on the net but will be putting new pics on very soon! Love ya xx