Hey guys!!
So I thought it was about time I actually updated this again and when I looked it's almost been a month- where has the time gone! I'll try and do a few updates this week and fill you in on all the silliness that has happened. (Also, I tried to make a video and it was all done and then my pc decided to not save it right.... I'm working on it!)
So here's what's happened since the last blog I posted: 3 weeks of training, a weekend of avalanche training, 1 week of exams, passing my Level 1 Ski Instructor course, booking onto the 11 week Level 2 course and 1 week of Level 2 training (in other words, a lot!).
What this means is that I will (hopefully!) be leaving much more qualified as a ski instructor when I leave which should make getting a job as a ski instructor next season easier. There are 4 levels in Canada of ski instructors and to give you an idea of the levels, Level 1 teaches beginners up to intermediate skiiers, Level 2 can teach more advanced terrain and more advanced skiiers too, Level 3 teach/train instructors and Level 4 instructors basically ski perfectly 99% of the time xD
So my ski training was Monday-Thursday from 9:30-3:30 - until the lifts closed! As I said before, I was in a group of just myself and 5 boys but as it turns out they accepted me as a bro, after setting me some challenges like jumping off a ski lift (which I didn't do, don't worry Mum!). They were a good group, and as we were training to teach when we had to teach each other it was always really funny.
For example, one of the things you have to know is how to teach someone in the canadian way to go from never seeing skis before to linking snow plow turns. We were learning this but we did it all backwards to keep things interesting and to make sure we took it all in! Another one that I'm sure you'll all appreciate is that we all charaged down a tree run, which is apparently a bike run in the summer, and I went over what I thought was a bump. TURNS OUT, it was more like a huge jump, which I then bailed on halfway through so I landed with a whack right on my butt, that was fun walking for about a week xD
So yeah, for 2 weeks of training I had Laurie as an instructor who is from Liverpool and only started skiing at Uni (where he did maths!) and now he's been out for a few seasons. The other 2 weeks I had Jo, she is a Canadian and grew up in the state next to British Columbia and she's been a ski instructor for 30 years - she was amazing and is a biomechanics expert which was really helpful as she could pinpoint exactly what was wrong with your skiing. Between the two of them they got us ready for both the ski skills and teaching aspects of our exam.
Our exam was 3 days continual assessment. All the people that
started at the same time as me had the exam that week so it was pretty tense all around but everyone on alltracks (skiiers and snowboarders) passed their teaching aspect and only one person didn't pass the skills - so we were all super happy! So yeah, now me and all the people I live with are qualified instructors! Amazing!!
As I said, I've now started training for level 2 and I'm in a different group now, which is much smaller but also great! I have also moved house because of the extension of the course but I will fill you more in on that another time.
So yeah, in summary, I'm having too much fun and turns out I'm learning loads too! I promise to write another blog soon, and hopefully sort out the video. (I also promise to have a blog entry dedicated to the bikini run :) )
Love you all!
- comments
Micky This sounds so much fun! If I ever went skiing I want you to teach me!! It would be great fun!
Uncle Bob Congrats Chick on passing your exams - must be a new experience for you to pass something - HAH! - ;-) Sounds like your having a great time, I am so jealous..... Keep up the blogging, can't wait to hear more :-)
p.s. That wasn't a grammatical error, it was a typo - honest.....
K Simkin Thankyou, So proud of you, not so much for all your achievements but for having the spirit to go for the things you wish for. Luvu XX G'ma
Amy Thanks Micky, you'll have to come out and see me next year and I'll teach you :) Thanks Uncle Bob, aha it was definitely one of the weirdest exams I've ever taken - but thanks :p (and suuure it was) Thank you Grandma, I'll keep going for them don't worry! xx