Amy's latest entry
Yosemite National Park, California
We got up at 4.45am!! Surprisingly I got out of bed straight away. Having a cold shower was not fun. I'm guessing they don't turn the hot water on until later. We were getting picked up at 6.30am to go to Yosemite National Park which is around 3 and a half to 4 hours drive from San Fran. Our driver was lovely and extremely informative a…
Dan I love this picture - Really abstract and has lots of feeling
re: Vermilion LakesCheech & John Hint: Use Windows Photo Galery to view a picture file like this and then choose Counterclockwise (Ctrl + , ) or Rotate clowise (Ctrl + . ) to view the picture corretly & when done, it will safe automatically the picture to your system. Ok Cheech is done here, best wishes and hope everything is going good, if you happen to come across any Trailer Park Boys items over there, I wouldn't mine if got it for me, thanks. Will pay at a later date, probably in a year's time when you'll be back from the tour. John sends his regards and hugs etc..
re: photo from 06 October 2010Dan CHEERIOS!!!!!!
re: Our room