Hi all, how are we doing today?
I had another amazing day (am running out of positive ways to describe my experiences already). Today was Alcatraz which was not as spooky as some people made it out to be (Abi!!). I didnt get the shot of me in a jail cell, but I did take about 140 other pictures.
Yesterday I met up with the newly married Hickleys, which was by far the highlight of the day, and a nice way to get used to a brand new country. We spent some time on Pier 39, doing some shopping, then went, via cable car, to Lombard Street. For those that dont know, it is the crookedest street in the world. After walking down there we went for some lunch at Hard Rock Cafe (healthy eating already!!)
Another exciting day tomorrow and no doubt more shopping!! Will let you know how it goes soon enough.
Till next time xxx
- comments
Abi Hahahaha!!!!! That's a good thing!!! :) amazing isn't it!!!!! Lombard street is weird!!!!! :/ how they made that I will never know lol Glad your having fun...........go and have more :) xxx
Jo Glad your having a good time Amy. :) It's great you managed to catch up with Claire and Jon too. I hope you left enough space in your bags to bring back all the shopping! :) Take care. Much love xxxx
Fay I am glad your having amazing time and doing well! xxx