Today was epic! 15miles clocked up on the bikes and they weren't wrong with the name blazing saddles!! But they were not the only things that were blazing! We cycled from Fisherman's wharf across the Golden Gate Bridge with just a (few) photo stops in between, off the bridge we flew downhill to a lovely town called Sausalito, million pound homes and sleepy suburbs we felt like we were in desperate housewives! From there we had a lovely lunch at a place called hamburgers (guess the food of choice!) and then headed north to old mill park, the redwoods there were awesomely tall, in the grove we felt a million miles away from the city! By this time we were pooped and cycled back via a ferry ride (phew!) and hammered the bikes back to get them in before closing. The team were there to cheer us back home and we felt like heroes!! Sweaty, red faced, worn out but warriors none the less!! After dropping the bikes we decided to walk, we must have been delirious with spent energy as we thought 10 degree hills would be a piece of cake (sorry legs!!) now here you would think we would call this a day, no sir-ey! We showered and went right back out, found this place called smugglers cove, one of the top 50 bars in the world, hidden from the outside but a treasure trove within!! Pirate loot from across the seven seas and also blow fish lamps (what more could you ask for!) RUM! Any cocktail based rum and they had it!! The barman was very skilled but sadly not being a fan of Rum (or more like Rum not liking me) We stayed until about 11 and went straight to bed, sorry not as exciting as yesterday! Alcatraz tomorrow!!!
Quote of the day:
(Busker in Sausalito)
"I had a vision of Jesus and he was bald, don't be afraid to lose your hair people!"
Today we cruised to Alcatraz island! It was a fine and bright day and we were raring to hear all about the criminals and the great escape, the tour in itself was brilliant with the voices of old officers and prisoners seeing you through the cells and scars within the walls. I personally thought the cells were quite roomy and had a good south facing window but I guess that's just me! We made our way back to the mainland and made our way to a day spa but not before a well deserved ice cream! It was in an old shipping container and they made it in front of you using a mixer and liquid nitrogen! It was the creamiest I've ever tasted!! At the day spa we were surrounded by people who took it a little too seriously, a couple in a sense of zen and in Oder to reach euphoria included her being held like a baby and swooshed around the water very slowly and another man doing stretches with an unfortunate pair or shorts. The whole situation was made worse by our English awkwardness, Seeing a couple washing each other I went up to 'robin' and asked her if I should do the honours, only when she turned around and looked horrified did I realise I should have kept on my contact lenses! We really enjoyed the spa and felt well relaxed afterwards, we ate in that night and stayed up booking hostels and chatting to people in the dorm, went to bed early for the flight to SAN DIEGO!!
We flew in to San Diego at about midday, and with the sun high in the sky we walked to the beach, it started off as a lovely stroll then realised the map was not to scale...10 miles later we still weren't at the beach! The sun was dwindling and it was getting chilly so we hopped back on the bus, we changed quickly and met the guys downstairs for a pub crawl, there were two girls from Brasil, two Italian guys and an English guy in our crew, it started awkwardly as these things often do but a few cocktails/beers and eventually tequilas in us we ended inevitably doing karaoke, Robin and I showed them how it was done and they were blown away by our blues brothers charm and dancing skills!! (I think they were more glad we finished) but I'm not going to say no to a cheer! On our way back we met some police officers telling us fun time was over, trying to keep a straight face I worried that I might be getting a ticket until one of them said "are you from England? I love that accent!" In the clear we claimed our beds and slept the sweet slumber of the intoxicated.
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