Hi Ami, thank you very much for you PC from Thailand with all your news. Sorry I've not replied earlier - Sarndra kept forgetting to send me your address. We saw her yesterday and heard that you are now in Oz soon to travel to NZ. You must haver some interesting tales to tell - we'll look forward to hearing some of them!! We are off to The Gambia soon for a spot of sunshine, spendinf Xmas with Nic and Jayme then a cruise down the Nile in Feb. Nic is in Afghanistan till Dec, rather a worrying time for us but so far so good! Hope all is ok with you. Take care. Love from us both. xx
My Dearest Ami & Sarah,
Well here starts another great adventure down under in Oz. do what you want to do, and don't worry about anything.
Love the blogs. but not as much as I love you, take care the both of you
Hi there cutie pie! I just asked you where you were right now and I'm getting all the answers right here :) So much fun to read your stories and I'm glad you're doing great! We'll stay in touch. Give Sarah a big hug from me. Enjoy your time babe!
Love, Afke xxx
Hi Ami,
Just had a look at your pictures, with your sturdy horse Tonto!
When I tell people that you are on your world tour they ask, where is she? I reply Mongolia at the moment, I told the bloke in the queue at the pub the other night that I thought our barman was in outer Mongolia, as he had been gone ages.
Glad your having a great time, love to all. Dad XXXXX
When's the next up date? I am desperate for it - been checking every morning!
Miss you!!!
hi sweet
Hope its all good on the train,i put the computer on every possible moment just to see if i can catch you.Unsure if you have access to one at the moment will talk soon.Just off to town love you x
Wow you have finally started your amazing adventure! We are all so proud of you doing it and at the same time miss you to bits.
lots of love
2nd Mum and the kids at cluster 12
ahh yes. rennie the blog!!
glad ur rennie charm sorted out the hostel my dear and u made a new taxi driver friend! erics my grandpas name.
i hope u played supergrass' st. petersberg as the train pulled in.
love u more than wheat xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ami, have a lovely time, we are all going to miss you, Be carefull and have a nice time xxxxx
Ami, Have a wonderful time, stay safe and stay happy
Love you loads