hey everyone, just to let you all know we are home safely and we had the best time ever!
Thanks to everyone who has put us up and looked after us along the way!
Happy christmas
Hope to catch up with lots of you soon.
Amie and george
Hey Everyone,
As you all probably know by now we are off on our travels today!!
We will endevour to keep you updated on our adventures
and try not to make you too jealous.
Anyways Hope you enjoy our travel journals, off now to catch our flight.
Amie and George
hey everyone, just to let you all know we are home safely and we had the best time ever!
Thanks to everyone who has put us up and looked after us along the way!
Happy christmas
Hope to catch …
Hey all,
We are waiting for a bus back to Bangkok at the moment so I thought i would catch you up on what we have been doing!
After Phuket we caught a flight to Chiang Mai in the North of Th…
Hi All,
After our last blog we went to KL, which was a very busy smelly city, we did the typical touristy things and got up at a rediculous our of the morning to get tickets to go up the petr…
I cant belive how fast time is going,we are over half way through our travels now!!
We have had an amazing last few weeks, after we got back to sydney we flew to perth to stay with my aunt's f…
heya,not long now till ya back can't wait 2 c u! will u be going to mums b4 u go 2 amies parents so we can see you? Leah still remembers you i showed her a pic of u the other day and she said george!Im counting the days.take care love ya loads xxxxxx
i miss you amie b! get your gingey bum home so i can play! hehe, im get jealous..sat at my desk at work bored as fook! am lloving the pics and blogs hahaha xxxxxxxxxx love you
also i took molly on a walk the other day and she stopped and said 'i wish i could see aunty amie more shes my favourite aunty' and i said 'shes in australia' and she said 'oh yes i do miss her' bless her!!!
roma and chas
Hi you two,
Sounds like you are having a great time, got your post card yesterday (03/10) the snorkling sounds great.
I think you will be in Phuket now how is that. Yes Amie you did win you know what two 50's I think? The weather has turned alot colder here although it was hot today. Chas is looking forward to england playing OZ in the world cup on sat Wales are out of course they were useless. Sarah is fine and misses you like crazy and wonders why you have not spoke or wrote to her , but she has changed her phone so many times. leah is so grown up now and is afraid of SHREK she still remmebers you both. I saw Holly and Libby about 3 weeks ago they are fine and Beautiful. Holly is so tall now.
Nan is down in Bournemouth for two weeks having a rest she is Ok. JO passed her driving test she has a new boyfriend ( 25) Take care On your travels as you head for the JUNGLES !!!! love you Lots MUM and DADx
i miss you lots and lots i liked your last blog it really made me laugh about the man with the peg tooth. our friends amy and chris (the one like george) have bought a house in reading so me and steve might buy their too so when you come back we might be neighbours that'll be exciting!! love you
Hi u 2, well you should be a Perth now, hope you enjoyed swimming with dolphins, I have been up to Derby this week end with Sarah and baby to see ya dad and susan and eric and children had a god weekend , Sarah and i went over to see Libby and holly and family. gareth sends his love and I am going to Give him the e mail. Hope you are Ok and enjoying your selves we all Miss you . but i am glad you are seeing the world. Thanks for the post cards Love MUM AND DAD. Ps dad may have sold his house ????
Hiya you look so beautiful and happy. Eddie was a bit worried you would fall off the bridge and Amelia just wanted to know who it was in the croc place! xx
tara bostock
i miss you!!!!!! my bracelet is starting to look a bit minging but still there is yours? pictures are amazing and your blog made me cry with with laughter espcially the bit about you seeing that fish and no one ekse believed you!! dont know if mum said but i got a 2:1 degree. steve says hi!! ive moved house and am really poor need to get an acting job dammit. i really miss you it makes me sad but happy your having a good time and very jealous. anyway have a good time love you both xxx
Chas and Roma
Hey, finally got into the blog. Great photo's and I was glad of the one with your nan... Good to see you having a nice time. Love Dad and Mum. xx
How did I not see this message board before! Love the swimming with turtles bit sounds fab. Did anyone tell you it's raining and large parts of the country are flooded and powerless. It's like indian monsoon weather. And if anyone mentions global warming again I'll scream. This is not warm it's bloody freezing! Saw the simpsons film yesterday it was great and Bridge to terabithia today which made me cry for hours. Love you both T xxxxx
mike and linda
Hi ya, bet your weather warnings are not so severe as our weasther warnings. We don't have to go to sea to be sea sick! Not much news over here - raining,Tara in new house and off to Croatia today, raining, Susi is missing you but still alive (ugh), raining, nanny Pat thinks you have gone to Oz to escape the police, raining, Dom has lost his drum stool, raining, Tamlyn says its raining in Stoke and its raining here - thats it really, I bet yr jealous. xxx M & D
Hello boso! Checkyou out in your camper you new age hippies!! I was too short to reach the clutch on the campervan we hired..so I was a lady of leisure admiring the views! Keep the stories coming...to get me throught the boring day behind my desk..love you lots little lady xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx