Amelia, Round The Other Side!
I am just going to condense this whole experience into one journal entry!!!! I really should leave so much time between updating but the internet has been more expensive here anhd i have been so busy i have hardly had time to update!!!! Ariived in Hervey Bay pretty late at night and the mini bus drivers that pick us up to go to hostels had a huge water fight as it was one of the drivers last nights!! checked in and found out i needed to be at the bar the next morning at 630am to go to frazer island!! ouch!!! there was only me and one guy in the room and he was from Kerry and i couldnt understand a workd he said!! felty quite bad at always having to say pardon!! he wasnt going on the self drive safari and he has a bad back and was doing the guided tour instead!!!! was up at 530am!!! had a shower (my last for three days) asnd got sorted. there were 20 of us l;eaving that morning with beaches backpackers and we were split into two groups. in my goup there were 9. 2 guys, 7 girls. me, one irish guy (bit nuts), a german female Duo(we had our suspicions) one of them was incredibly hairy!!! even this day in age!!! a german/austrain couple(german was the other bloke) and three girls from norway! the other group had 5 guys!!! and most of them were from england!!! i became the licence holder as i was the most experienced driver so i got to dive the 4x4 on mainland too!! woo hoo!!! we got chatting bought our shopping!!! and vino and headed off to get the boat! it was only me the the girls from norway and the irish man that had a drink! the others were a BIT PRUDEY!! (wrong type of trip to be doing). the others moaned the entire time about bumps and speed sop we ended up driving witht he other car alot and we justr stuck together in two cars as one big group to make it more interesting!! GOT TO FERRY PORT ON MAINLAND!! CAR WAS INTERSTING TO DRIVE!! FELT THE STEERING WAS ALWAYS PULLING AWAY FROM ME WITH THE BUMPS BUT I GOT US ALL THERE IN ONE piece. I had to reverse the toyaota landcruiser onto the boat myself!!! i was also the only female driver out of all the folk getting onto the ferry!!!! the ferry took about 40 mins then we hit frazer island! i drove for most of the first day casue no one else wanted to!! theere were sand tracks and bump everywhere!! it was so much fun!! i want one for myself!!!! first stop took us to these huge sand dunes and this fresh water lake that was getting devoured by it!! it was surreal to look at!! the beauty of the island is ahd to explina!! it was amazing!! we went swimming in the lake that was full of fish that nibbled your legs and huge cat fish that we thought were sharks!!!! (uh hu) we also kept kicking around that there were crocodiles!!!! dont think there are any on island though!!!! we then headed ontop beach and drove up the beach really fast!!!!!!! it ws amazing!! you could see for miles right to the horizon and the beach continued!!! the sea was so rough with huge waves!! you arent alloe\wed to swim in the sea as there are tons of sharks and dangerous currents and killer jellyfish!! scary belary!!we saw coloured sands, a shipwreck and went swimming down a freshwater creek that was sooooo cold!!! had eels in it and tons of spiders!!1 this island is full of huge spiders!!!!!!!! there ws one on the door frame of the girl toilets at our camp site and it was a big massive hairy wolf soider!!!!!!! ran past it everytime!!!!! we set up camp and had a huge BBq that night!!! then got a little drunk and headed to the baech about 10pm (the island has a noise curfew inland) and it was really cool on the beach!!! the next day we headed to indain head were you are menat to be able to see sharks and other marine life but think we were too late!! malcom (irish guy) and i tried to help a bus out of sand that got stuck but we were unsuccessful!!!! oh well! it dug itself out later on!! th views from the cliffs was amaxing!! really high though and so dangerous!! the samd also burned up there casue it was black!! really hurt!! we then went to the champagne pools and swam in salty water in rock pools!! pretty cool!!! had lumch and the headed to lake allom wich was ful of turtles!! they were sooooo cute!! we swam there too and got rid of the salt!! a huge spider climbed up my leg here too and i suffered a small heart attack!!!! malcom dobe us that day and he was rough!!! not fast just jerky with the gears!! i was voted the best driver at end of weekend ha ha!!! sooo much fun!!! that night we had masses of pasta and an early night as we were getting up at 430am to dissmantle tents and ;leave at 530am to catch tides to get to other end of island!! that night met bettina thew australian girl i met in noosa!!! she is doing the same sort of thing!! getting up that morning was hellish!!! i was sharing a tent with the norway girls and we were quite efficent! the others were crap though!! they always made us late!! dunno why they decided to do the tour they did cause it is aimed at patry goers and they were party poopers and complainers all the time!! the dove up the beah that morning was stressful at the itde was so high and kept coming over the car whoch was a bad thing!!! the othet team nealy tipped there car!!! was gald to make oit to the right oiiunt and get off beach before tide swalled us!! this last day we rrally chilled and took out time! the first lake had white sand and was beautiful had breakie here and just dozed as were so tired!! THE NEXT LAKE WAS EVEN WHITER AND WE ENDED UP ALL SWIMMING (EXCEPT THE PRUDES) AND HAVING SAND FIGHTS!!! THEN VISTED A FEW MPRE PLACES AND HAD LUCH AT LIKE 11AM CASUE WE WERE ALL SO HUNGRY, VISITED A PINE FOREST THAT WAS JUST TREES!! THEN WE WENT TO LAKE MAKENZIE!! IT WAS GORGEOUS!! SO WHITE AND THE WATER WAS AN AMZING COLOUR OF BLUE CASUE THE SAND WAS SO WHITE!! A FEW OF US MESSED ABOUT IN THE WATER ALL DAY AND THE OTHERS SUNBATHED. My arm was killing me from playing ball wiht the english guys!! made some good dives though!! in the water to catch the ball!! it was great the water not being sandy!! we also saw dingoes on this day!! the other car didnt see them bit we did!! firstly racing downt the neach so didnt have time to take photos and the second time at lake makenzie just after the other team left!! got photos that time! they are soooo skinny!!!! headed back to mainland and we all went out and got drunk adn ate huge burgers!!!!!!! also saw thousands of bats that night!! they just swarmed the sky in hervey bay!!!! amazing!!! i am sure there is stuff i have missed out but you can just ask me about it!! frazer island is amazing!! oh that night back at hostel i met andrea who i had stayed with in byron bay!! we wmet for ,unch the bext day and hung out till i got my bus to 1770!!! was cool seeing her again!!!
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