Amelia, Round The Other Side!
went a walk to the huka falls todayand beyond! was an easier walk than some i ahve done but it was still good! that falls were amazing! all this water being squished through this tiny slot i the rocks!! the bridge over was shaking as the water was so violently forced through then over the edge! it didnt even look like a deep waterfall 9although it was) due to the sheer volume of water!! on way back stopped at the little brodge going over a stream into the rover and got in as it was a natural thermal stream!! there was about 10 of us at one pint fro all over the workd enjoying the coolness of the river mixing wiht the extreme heat of the spring! it was so hot at times i had to move away!!! was cool sharing the same experience wiht everyone! not many people knew it was there and only ralised when they asked us whey we were so happy sitting in a cold river!!! there was a guy from lebannon, some germans, south africans, a couple from england, americans, swiss! it was amazing! the photos i have dont do it justice!! stayed there for about 2 hours till i was completely shrivelled up!! went out for diner that night with stephanie (from holland) and anne (from texas) to an irsh bar! stuffed myslef and really cheap too!! they were the girld in my dorm here i taupo there were other too that passed through but we were there for both nightd. met that evening my little aberdeen friend and we went out again to a couple of bars and were up talking till about 7am! not good when i had to et a bus to wellington at 10am!! was a good night though! went to a travellers type bar called holy cow when the other place shut and it was pretty mental!!! alot of british song playing but not many people knowing what they were!!! was better than the night beofre when we ended up in a local maori kareoke bar when the pubs shut!! that was dodgy! the singing anyway!! i never noticed till the other night that there is no smoking in the bars and restaurants here unless you are outside! it really cool! no one seems to mind! drinking licence also has an option for 24 hrs!! think places stay open or closed depedning in how busy they are. Makes me look forward to being at home and it being no smoking! clothes still smell fresh(ish). I am thinking about doing the torringaro crossing myself and buying some proper walking shoes! it looks amazing! might exntend my stay in new zealmd by a few days and go for it! will decied over next day or so! all i ahve heard is positive reports about it!!!
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