Hmmm, Right,
Here is my first of hopefully many blogs about my travelling shananigans. Wanted to start a blog for a long time, and this felt like the perfect opportunity. Enjoy, or dont - whatever takes your fancy.
So in approximately 45 mins it will be Thursday, and that means that in 45 mins it will be exactly two weeks until I depart from Liverpool to Paris for the start of mine and my boyfirends (Ben) nomad adventure round Europe.
I am ready?
Hell no. LOL
It has come round far quicker than I anticipated, and quite frankly I am terrified. My to-do list right now makes my brain hurt.
Most importantly I need my dear mother to teach me how to use a washing machine, or I fear I shall be wearing dirty clothes the whole journey.
I also need to decide what to pack, I need new shoes, new make-up, new clothes...
Oh and did I forget to mention we have yet to change any, yes ANY money into euros.
#notprepared2k13 (yes I did just hastag)
well this concludes my first blog, wasnt it exciting.
I shall now put my list to the back of my mind and watch corrie - Roy cropper can make anyone feel at ease.
Au revouir
- comments
Hannah Clark I can't believe you're going away a week tomorrow. Its come so quickly. I am going to miss you so much Amber, and then I don't even get you back for long! You're off to Zante then uni soon after :'( this makes me very sad and I truly appreciate the friendship that we've built over the past year or so. #I'm doing it to #cheese/ Getting totes emosh right now! Gonna make the most of this week or so. So glad we've got Laura's and the last supper! Woo, aw mate gonna miss you so much xxxxxxxxx
amberleach I love this!! Gonna miss you so much aswell. Wahh. I'll be back before you know it though with pressies ;)