Well after a busy couple of weeks, no months, the time has flown past and we are actually away!! Didnt think we would be saying this, but actually glad of a rest!lol.
We have had an amazing time catching up and spending lots of time with everyone! No need for folk to worry as am sure the next lot of months will fly past just as quick and we will be home before you know it! :)
Still no sunk in that we are going away, well me maybe, Cams so excited hes like a peedie bairn!!
Would like to say thanks to Ingrid, Dave, Peedie Cameron and Charlotte for our St Christopher badges, you guys will have to watch out in picture of our rucksacks to see them!! And also a big thanks to Jenna for our awesome named teddy puffin 'Jenna-Puffin' there will be some 'where's wally?'style photos appearing as often as we can!
So as we head off our travel plan at the moment is:
Edinburgh-London-South Africa (Johannesburg)-Zimbabwe-Botswana-Zambia-Malawi-Tanzania-Kenya (Nairobi)-India-China-Japan-Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos-Thailand-Singapore-Australia-New Zealand-Argentina-Brazil-Peru-Venezuela-Home!!
We will keep the blog as up to date as possible and update any changes to travel, our travel plan should b visible on the blog if you are using the newer.
Keep in touch (and make sure all the news and pictures are on fb!) We will miss you all! :) xxx
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