Mon 8/10
So today we slept in a little bit, think we were still drunk when we got up! Teaches us for staying up till 5/6 in the morning! Met up with Michaella and headed down to her place in Hamilton. She has a really nice house with a lovely big garden and a spa right beside the lake! The sun was shining when we arrived so it made a welcomed change to the dull weather we have had so far! Had a BBQ for tea with her cuban boyfriend Yami, housemate Susie and friend Emma. Finished the evening by sitting in the spa with a glass of wine and watching a film! Its so relaxing these guys might never get rid of us!lol.
Tue 9/10
Had a relaxing morning and caught up on some sleep before heading into town in the afternoon, got appointments booked for getting the medicals we need for the visa and opened a New Zealand bank account since we plan to be here for so long. Along with the local mobile we bought the other day it feels like we are moving here rather than staying for 6ish months!lol. Whilst we were wandering around town we stumbled across a Rocky Horror Picture Show statue, considering I love the film its pretty cool to say I have stood in the place where it was born! Its a shame the theatre ain't there any more! Went a walk around the lake in the evening and it is really nice, no excuses now, we need to be doing it every day to try and work off all of the great food we have eaten through Asia!!
Wed 10/10
Nothing much to report today, incorporated our walk round the lake with a walk into town. Managed to not get lost so thats a bonus! Spent the afternoon relaxing in the garden. Had to get some information together for immigration about Cams speeding conviction, lets hope it doesn't affect his visa application! Susies nephew Tyler has joined us for the weekend so its a full house here just now!
Thu 11/10
Had my medical today, not sure how it went as my urine sample had to be sent for further testing, they think i have or have had an infection i didnt know about, lets hope it doesnt affect the visa! We had the use of Michaella's car and gave Tyler a lift to the skate park, thank god for sat nav as i think we would have gotten a bit lost otherwise. We went out to a bar for dinner and drinks as they were having a beerfest to celebrate octoberfest. It was a great night, little bit embarrassing as me n Cam were called up to sing and poor Cam was sober coz he hasn't had his medical yet, at least we had a designated driver!lol.
Fri 12/10
So Cam had his medical this morning, went well just have to wait for the blood test results, thankfully he can get them next Thu at the same time as me. We have not had a chance to cook dinner yet so decided to cook some tiffin/malteaser cake as a treat! Baking with Cam is like baking with a kid!! He was a good boy so was allowed to like the spoon and bowl!lol.
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