Hi Julie & Girls. Its horrible going back to work after seeing the great time your having in Oz. It was lovely to see Julie for a couple of weeks, (youve been gone away to long!!). Sorry if all the girls have become cricket bores! I initiated them into the sport one evening over a beer when we were thrashing the colonies!! Hpe the job is going well and getting up before lunch isn't to much of a strain. Love Dad Lum
Mummy And Sister Barker
Hi Julie, Emily and Katie
Just a quick note from across the bay to say hi and would you like to come out to play sometime soon if your not too busy? Sam and I would love to see you all and hear all the stories which Alyson hasn't toldus about?
Hey Em, tis I again. Thought I'd say hi again and gently nudge you to email me back (impatient aren't I!!!) Went home at the weekend and had a mini party with Jo, Lucy and Lucy (Bowden) then went to div's! Wish you'd been there you were definitely the only thing missing!!!! Lots of Love xxxxxxx
Hey BA Baracus. Can't believe Mum and I will be leaving in a week and a day. Can't wait to see you. You'll spot me at the airport straight away. My hair is VERY Ginger! I'm finally realising that le ginge is meant to be. Why fight it? Love you and miss you lads, Love Sam XXXXX PS Roly had a lovely 6th birthday, I managed to convince him that your card for him must have got lost in Oz postal system. He had to go to the vets yesterday, sore and awollen throat, but he's OK now. HE had a shower today as he was covered in fox poo - smelly! Ella has not had a fit for a while. Monty and Gizzy have been fighting with a black cat along the road and so have got lots of war wounds. Did I tell you that Forest came with a fish called Wilma? My menagerie is endless xxxxx
Hey Em. you'll be pleased to know I have finally caught up on all of your postcards and photos - that'll teach me not to look at them for ages!! Anyway looks like your having an amazing time so jealous especially as i'm still at work. Still missing you loads xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum Lum
Hi Mrs Mosley! Well we made it here. Fantastic to see Julie, can't believe i'm the other side of the world now! Julie has taken me to see some of the backpacker hostels, glad she booked us a hotel. Off in our campervan tomorrow. See you back at home soon.
Helen's Mum!
Hi Julie, quick message for your Mum when you get to see her in Aussie! tell her she and your Dad gave me major trouble running home after Paul and I saw them at the pub on Thursday night! Dave bought us a drink when we bumped into them when we were out having just run about 4 miles on the way home to Levvy Green! Shandy doesnt appreciate being joggled about when we tried to finish the run back home! said I'd email your Mum message for a change for her to read when she met up with you! Hope you are having good time - love reading about your trip - Helen's wedding was fab - shame you all missed it but photos/video are ready soon!
Sister Sam
20 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Kate's Sis
Hi Kate and Caspar,
Just thought I'd say hi as now I'm back at work I thought I'd take the chance to look at your site and see some new pics etc, clearly this is a priority now I've got internet access for free (even if it is meant to be for work purposes!) Really good to speak to you the other day, keep the postcards coming and hopefully speak to you again soon. Right, better get on with responding to some disasters as I'm in the Disaster Response Unit!
lots of love,
Em and Damo xxxx
23 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Mum Lum
Hi Jules, Just been looking through some of the pictures, Lots to catch up on. Been showing them to the girls at work, as i'm still here!! Cant wait till we join you, wont be long now. speak to you soon, love mum
Big Sis Sam
Hi Alyson, it was great to hear from you yesterday. Those boys looked very cheeky, can't wait to see you in 4 and a half weeks! Love Sam xxxxx