I bet you didn't think i'd get a message on here this quickly did you! I'm currently at the departure gate in Sydney, i've stopped crying now, but am still very very sad to leave. I am however already focussing heavily on planning my next trip! I've finally looked at the postcard section and have read every single word, so there isnt one thing i don't know now! Promise i'll keep checking in on a regular basis from now on! Please try not to post too many bad photos of me, i don't feel i'm looking my best on many of them! Just before i head off for the next leg of my sad journey home, i just wanted to say thank you so so much for making the last 2 weeks so good. I've had the best holiday ever and cannot wait for my next adventure. Lots and lots of love, miss you all so much already x x x x
It's 1430, it's Friday, it's the weekend and I am going home!! So what do you think of that then? Seen any spiders lately????
Big Sister Sam
Update us Aly!
Em's Scary Cos Jack
Oops . Just got back my email connection, been having a few problems. Crashed again a moment ago, so don't know how much of this will reach you, I see all the latest from Jane which is just as well, so I see you are all having a great time. Pictures are good, keep them coming. Am having to buy a new computer for when Mum and Jane come over. Jen and I wondered if we could perhaps get a flight and meet Mum and Jane at the airport when they land just to give them a bit of a shock, but as we are on Granny partol, not that she needs much patroling, we decided that we would stay at home. We have got so many wild parties organised particularly where Granny is concerned, you would not believe it! Take care, and I have to say I do miss you. Lots of love Jack.
Em's Scary Cos Jack
Dave & El
Hey aly, WASSUP? sounds like you're still havin a wicked time? i'm soo jealous, but i've been in email contact with cous lousie to pick her experienced travellers brain, and some of the stuff she's sent so far has been amazin! all about south america though so no help to you i'm afraid! Tommy has just left Sydney and is heading for Cairns so f ya see a six foot nine freak heading in your direction it's prob him! Losing interest in work at the moment, it's all getting too much i didn't sign up for a salary, only to have to start working even more hours but 6 day 55-60 hour weeks have become the norm now, welll i am the guvna!! Glad your cool and i'm keeping an eye on the rest of the family in your absence. my phones been cut off at the moment so as soon as i get paid and get it put back on i'll give you a bell cos i haven't spoke to ya since Ruths wedding. Love ya sis keep on truckin Dave x
Hi Kate, Thanks for the postcard of all the white bums, its stuck on my fridge with the others! Looking forward to the next update. XXXXXXXX
Em's Mum
Hello Em & Girlies, Glad to know you enjoyed 'The Rock' - , we are looking forward to seeing the pics. Big,big welcome & hug to Kirsty, who has now joined your happy band. We are very glad to know that she's there to keep an eye on you all!!!!! Love to AllXXX
Sister Sam
Hi Alyson and girlies! Just wanted to tell you that Grandad was here today looking at your Barker photos and was impressed by how well you settled in with the other Barkers. Alyson - he was very proud of you in the Barkers Arms, and he said that Charlie took 2 hours to drink half a pint, but obviously, you got the drinking gene.....need I say more? Miss you loads, Love Sam xxxxx
Hi Kitty have just discovered the website absolutely fantastic - sorry I didn't know about it in time for a birthday message. great to see you looking like your having fun (i'm thinking about the snake!!!) Well just wanted to say a quick hi have a fab day lots o love Tracexxxx
hi em just to say hows things looks like you have been really busy up to lots ! anyway i will e mail you properly when i have some time you take care lots of love from lucyxxxx
Kate's Mum
Hi girls! Have a great time with Kirsty, try not to lead her astray in the land down-under! Have a fun time & the photo's are great. Look forward to seeing some of Ayres Rock etc soon. Lots a love, Mum xxxx