Phill and Sue's 'allseven' Continents Adventure
The only half decent internet cafe in town has disabled the USB conn, so no piccies to add. Meanies.
We arrived in Namibia Tuesday 8th Nov and faced the trauma of our first dormitory accomodation. Now lads, I'm sure you might envy Phill's night of shared sleep with three ladies - pillow fights, jumping up and down on the mattresses. Not a bit of it. A German frauline rocked in late and proceeded to read under the glow of a maglite until 2.30 am. Neither of us slept a wink. We say there anticipating the next turn of a page, or fidget. The girl was a complete crack pot. Phill developed a nose bleed and blamed it on the 1655 m altitude. Would have been worse on the top bunk.
Still we survived and now have a private room, which came available by chance. Harmony.
Things are hotting up now - in more ways than one. Summer is here and ya laundery dries in 30 minutes. Bliss. With a pack full of fresh undies, we will head out of here in the next day or so in a teeny tiny Toyota, armed with a hired tent, mattresses and purchased pillows and blankets (pillows a quid and blankets for 2 nicker... bargain). We will camp out under the open African skies, toasting marsh mallows and, we hope, having a right old hoot.
The route is yet to be finalised, though you can expect, in the fullness of time, some special photos. That said, you can expect little news for the next 11 days or so, until we return to relative civilisation.
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