Alison's career break
Arrived safe and well in the Philippines - it's hot here! My host family live a little way out of the town (but the charity office has good wifi).
I've had my induction, got my local SIM card, sorted out laundry etc. my host mum will wash a weeks worth of clothes for 150 pesos (less than £3).
I've experienced a trike (think motorbike with rickshaw combo) only 8pesos per journey.
Need to sort out weekend plans next - where to visit, how etc. working with 2 other volunteers this week but they leave on Friday.
Been out of the city this morning to a place called Banban for their health clinic. Have been taking blood glucose and helping dispense medicines (limited selection) - right at home!!
- comments
Mary Good to hear from you, sounds as though you are busy already, sun's shining here this morning, though no where near as hot as your temperature, love from Mum and Dad
Cathy Its great to follow your experiences and to imagine that heat! Yesterday it dropped to 1.6'c overnight here with morning fog. Love from Cathy & Bob
April Hope you have a fabulous weekend