Heres some things about mainland china that mom and I had a good (sometimes) time learning:
People spit... Everywhere, everyone. Apparently it's not considered rude.
Squat toilets are the way it is.
Chinese are only allowed 1 child in the city, 2 in rural areas.
People are only allowed to drive 6 out of 7 days of the week.
Big cites in china have millions of tourists per year, but we've discovered many many of them are Chinese. There apparently aren't many westerners that make it here.
Chinese food in Canada is a grease-fest. In china, it's actually pretty wholesome. Even the fried stuff doesn't taste greasy here.
Everyone has a bike. They ride it everywhere. They even put their wares on the back of it to sell, or tow stuff such as garbage/recycling.
A crosswalk doesn't actually mean cross. It means run across the road while trying to dodge oncoming traffic.
There truly is a 'great firewall of china'.. No Facebook!
Always haggle at markets! If they won't give you the price you want, just walk away. They will almost always run after you with a lower price.
The elderly love social events! They will group at parks and sing or dance or just play games. It's adorable.
The transport network is crazy good.
Elderly chinese are extremely fit! Think of the logistics of it... Your 80 years old, and you have to use a squat toilet. Gotta somehow make that happen.
Starbucks, McDonald's, KFC, IKEA, and 7-11 have all made it over here.
Chinese people, especially older people, talk REALLY LOUD. To people sitting right next to them. A conversation is like a shouting match.
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