Well, I was prepared for the cold weather and the possibility that my piddly excuse for an immune system would contract something. I succumbed to a cold thingy the day after Christmas. I've been fighting it off, and been faithfully taking my sambucol - afterall I brought 3 boxes of the stuff! No full blown chest infection, so I am hopeful that I will soon turn the corner back to heathiness.
Yesterday was a quiet day with plenty of sleep time and being warm. Though we did take a stroll on the property down to the river. Of course we had to stop and check out both tree houses. Besides a trip to the grocery store and some super exciting time spent with the washer and dryer - that was it for the day.
Today we had a slow start as Scott had been a bit ill during the night and I am still soldiering on, though without any codral :p We took a five minute drive down the road to the Edwin and Percy Warner Parks. They have an interactive Nature Centre, a kids play area, and hiking trails. So we interacted with the Nature Centre and then took off for a hike, letting Barret run as much as his energetic six year old legs and lungs wanted to. We stopped at the bird blind and discovered that Barret could be very still and very quiet if he was truly fascinated. We saw some tiny birds flying down to eat, looked kinda like what we would call finches and wrens in Australia, and a couple of brilliant red birds. I think we need to check out what native birds are in the area so we know what we were looking at. We also spied a squirrel with his big bushy tail. He was mostly grey with some brown and he blended in with the wintering woods so very well that we almost missed seeing him. We eventually set off up the trail again and walked up to the Observation Platform. It was an alright view over a tiny valley. Nothing very exciting, but I must say the platform was very well made :) As I was standing there, I realised how close the tree trunks and branches were to the platform, maybe a couple of metres. I wondered how much of a view one would have to look out upon if it was summer and the trees had all their leaves... :/
We are home now and I am just dashing this off to y'all before making dinner. I am certain that the choice of spaghetti bolognaise was a good one, the proclamation was met with cheering and a bit of a dance jig by Barret. Scott, bless him, eats everything I put out to eat, including the extremely over salted quinoa that I served up last night (that was a definite fail, yet he still ate it).
Love to you all. Hope you have had a good Christmas.
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