Sorry for delay, the last week has been so busy, was out with Aracelli, Luis and Cecellia until 4am. They were lovely so kind to us the dancing was great. Have to go to a meeting for Inca trek which I start on Sunday in 10 minutes. Last week been to Nasca, Arequipa have seen so much. Have 3 days back here next week to recover so will fill everyone in then. So Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I am walking to Machu Pichu. If you think of me one day please make it Monday apparently it is the hardest day over Dead Womens Pass all climbing up hill. Sometimes I have to pinch myself that I am in Peru about to do the Inca Trail. I am on the COCO LEAVES already like it best in tea form but have had it in the side of my mouth. Everyone says it helps, fingers crossed, well I will give it my best shot. I will be the tortoise at the back but I always get there fingers crossed, hopefully do not get eaten by marmalade eating bears. Adios til next week. Sorry Aunty Agnes Happy Birthday sorry it is late.
Well I did it the Inca trail climbed to 3250 meters above sea level. The first day was the hardest due to the heat, went through lots of little villages and saw lots of donkeys, lamas. The view from the campsite was wonderful surrounded by mountains. The campsite was on a slop so I kept rolling down the tent. The second day thankfully it was cool and cloudy, it was steep steps for three hours to dead womans pass , it was such a relief to get there. Then 2 hours down steep steps to lunch. It was amazing being above the clouds on top of a mountain, breathless but so glad I made it. Saw a few lamas and lots of hummingbirds they are so pretty. There are bears,but it is vary rare to see them, thay hide from people. There are 500 people on the trail everyday. After lunch on the second day there was another huge hill, my head got very sore with the altitude but was helped by paracetamol. We made a wish on top of the second hill. Sorry having difficulty getting pictures on will try tomorrow
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